Är du en kall mördare gör du en Sith? Hur passar det in i regeln av två?


Ett citat från The Book of Sith , sidan 66:

The Force is venom. If it is poured into many cups, it loses its potency until it becomes so diluted it is merely an irritant. Yet pour those cups back into a single vessel and you will have the power to stop a Krayt dragon’s heart.

Det här är följande scenario: Jag bor i Star Wars -universet i tiden med regeln om två. Jag är medveten om att jag är ett kraftkänsligt varande och jag vet om Jedi. Men mina känslor drar mig till vad Jedi och Sith kallar den mörka sidan. Jag lär mig att använda makt till viss del. Utan ånger dödade jag några av mina fiender ur hämnd.

Skulle det vara möjligt och jag är nu en tredje Sith? Och om så är fallet, vad är konsekvenserna för befälhavaren och hans lärling?

uppsättning Kasper 06.10.2018 12:39

2 svar


Under tiden med Banite-systemet var det många Dark Side-användare och även några Sith-pretenders som inte hörde till Sith Order of Ban-linjen. Banite Sith betraktade några av dem som potentiella lärlingar och eliminerade resten av dem. Jag rekommenderar att du läser Darth Bane Trilogy och Darth Plagueis . Dessa romaner är nu delar av legender, men de täcker händelser som för närvarande inte beskrivs i canon. Jag vill inte förstöra din kul med detaljer, men du kan hitta mycket information om inre kampar inom Dark Side-användare i dem.

svaret ges 09.10.2018 09:27

Det finns en värld av skillnad mellan en otränad kraftkänslig individmordisk mord (som vanligtvis inte kräver användningen av kraften) och en fullt utbildad Sith Lord utför imponerande prestationer som att utstråla blixt eller otrogen död. På samma sätt på ljussidan kan en otränad Anakin Skywalker kunna reagera tillräckligt snabbt för att styra en pod-racer, men det är inte samma sak som Yoda lyfter upp en X-Wing med Force.

En eventuell "utspädning" av den mörka sidan som orsakats av en otränad kraftkänslig person som begår mord skulle vara så liten att vara obetydlig. En sådan individ är ingen match för kraften hos en Sith Lord . Tänk på, till exempel, Hetton : en man som hade samlat Sith-artefakter och dokument för att lära sig hur den mörka sidan av Kraften (han kunde till och med framkalla någon Force Lightning) men som inte hade fått någon formell träning från en Sith och därmed visat sig ingen match mot en utbildad Sith Lord. Hetton lovade sig till Darth Zannah (läran om den regerande Darth Bane) och Zannah beordrade honom att hjälpa henne att besegra Darth Bane så att Zannah skulle kunna bli den nya regeringsmörkets mörka Lord. I sannhet hade Zannah bara satt honom upp för att bli dödad av Darth Bane så att Bane och Zannah kunde förvärva Hettons samlade kunskap. När Hetton och fem av sin kraftkänsliga livvakt / mördare konfronterade Darth Bane kunde Hetton göra lite mer än att be Zannah för hennes hjälp medan han och hans mördare alla skickades enkelt av Sith Lord:

[Darth Bane] whirled around to see a small man in his fifties [Hetton], clad all in black, standing on the far edge of the camp. In his hand was a green lightsaber, though it was obvious from the way he gripped it that he had never received any proper training in how to handle the exotic weapon.

At the man’s side was [Darth Zannah]; she had not drawn her lightsaber. Bane snarled in anger at her betrayal, his rising anger fueled by the chemicals the orbalisks were pumping into his system.

“Today is the day you die, Darth Bane,” the man said, charging forward to attack.

At the same time, the five red-robed figures rushed in from behind him. Bane spun and thrust his open palm toward them, lashing out with the power of the dark side. Like the Jedi and Sith, one of the first techniques Shadow Assassins learned was the creation of a Force barrier. Channeling their power, they could form a protective shield around themselves to negate the Force attacks of their enemies. But if an opponent was strong enough, a concentrated attack could still breach the barrier. Darth Bane, Dark Lord of the Sith, was definitely strong enough.

Two of the assassins were stopped in their tracks, knocked to the ground as if they had run into an invisible wall. Two more, weaker and less able to defend themselves against Bane’s power, were sent flying backward. Only the fifth was strong enough to resist the Sith Lord’s throw and continue his charge.

However, without his brethren at his side to harry and distract his foe, he found himself the sole focus of Bane’s wrath. Unable to defend against the savage sequence of lightsaber cuts and thrusts, he fell in a matter of seconds, half a dozen fatal wounds scored across his chest and face.

While the four remaining assassins regained their feet, Bane wheeled back to their leader. Wisely, the man in black had stopped his own charge and was gathering the Force. As Bane stepped toward him the man unleashed it in a single long, thin bolt of indigo lightning. Bane caught the blast with his lightsaber, the blade absorbing the energy. In retaliation he struck back with lightning of his own—a storm of a dozen bolts arcing in toward his target from all angles.


“Zannah!” the man shouted. “Do something!”

But Bane’s apprentice didn’t move. She merely stood off to the side, biding her time and observing the action.

The assassins fell on Bane again, but instead of repelling them with the Force, he allowed his body to become a conduit, turning himself into a physical manifestation of the dark side’s tumultuous power. As he spun like a whirlwind, his blade seemed to be everywhere at once: hacking, slashing, and slicing his enemies to ribbons.

All four assassins died in the attack, though one managed to land a single blow with his force pike before his throat was slit, the wound so deep it nearly severed his head. Fueled by rage and fury, Bane shrugged off the deadly electrical shock like a rancor shrugging off the bite of a venn-bug.

Once again he turned his attention to the man in black. Bane marched slowly toward him as his adversary stood frozen in place, paralyzed by the terrifying knowledge of his own imminent death.

“Zannah!” the man cried out to her again, holding his lightsaber vertically before him as if it were a talisman that could hold the approaching demon at bay. “Master! Help me!”

Bane chopped down with his own weapon, severing the man’s sword arm at the elbow. The man screamed and dropped to his knees. An instant later his voice went silent as Bane ran him through with a single hard thrust, the lightsaber entering his chest just below his heart and protruding a full half a meter out the back of his shoulder blade.

Darth Bane: Rule of Two, pp. 202-204

Även utbildade mörka sidanvändare spädar inte kraftens mörka sida för mycket. Sith använde Sith ofta utbildade mörka sida allierade som Inquisitors och Kejsarens händer som pantsatser för att öka sina mål. Som jag förklarade i mitt svar på varför inkvisitörerna inte bryter regeln om två , skiljer sig åtskillnaden mellan en Sith och en vanlig mörk sidanvändare är att vanliga mörka sidanvändare - även om de är förenade med Sith - inte har tillgång till Siths hemligheter och fullträning, inte heller deltar de i experiment för att utnyttja mörkets fulla kraft sida:

The two of them were in Sidious’s lair, a small rock-walled enclosure beneath the deepest of the Palace’s several sublevels that had once been an ancient Sith shrine. That the Jedi had raised their Temple over the shrine had for a thousand years been one of the most closely guarded secrets of those Sith Lords who had perpetuated and implemented the revenge strategy of the Jedi Order’s founders. Even the most powerful of Dark Side Adepts believed that shrines of the sort existed only on Sith worlds remote from Coruscant, and even the most powerful of the Jedi believed that the power inherent in the shrine had been neutralized and successfully capped. In truth, that power had seeped upward and outward since its entombment, infiltrating the hallways and rooms above, and weakening the Jedi Order much as the Sith Masters themselves had secretly infiltrated the corridors of political power and toppled the Republic.

Save for Sidious, no sentient being in close to five thousand years had set foot in the shrine. The room’s excavation and restoration had been carried out by machines under the supervision of 11-4D. Even Vader was unaware of the shrine’s existence. But it was here that they would one day work together the way Sidious and Plagueis had to coax from the dark side its final secrets. In the intervening years he had actually come to appreciate Plagueis for the planner and prophet he had been. Such perilous machinations required two Sith, one to serve as bait for the dark side, the other to be the vessel. Success would grant them the power to harness the full powers of the dark side, and allow them to rule for ten thousand years.

Tarkin, p. 101

svaret ges 09.10.2018 16:56