Vulkan kan ligga, de brukar inte finna den som den mest logiska handlingssättet. Människor ligger mycket oftare i jämförelse, vilket gör att bristen på ljuger märkbar. I varje serie ser vi Vulcans som ligger, ljuger genom underlåtenhet, begår subterfuge, sabotage, till och med rakt upp spionarbete, komplett med mord. Spock ligger när befaller, och på många uppdrag. En gång skulle han ljuga för McCoy men insåg Vulcan-nacken som klämde fast i bastarden för att sova var bättre.
Tuvok själv adresserar detta även under en konversation med Chakotay i s1e10 "State of Flux" :
(Chakotay goes straight to Tuvok, who is reading at his corner table.)
CHAKOTAY: Can I ask you to be honest with me, Lieutenant?
TUVOK: As a Vulcan, I am at all times honest, Commander.
CHAKOTAY: That's not exactly true. You lied to me when you passed yourself off as a Maquis to get on my crew.
TUVOK: I was honest to my own convictions within the defined parameters of my mission.
CHAKOTAY: You damned Vulcans and your defined parameters. That's easy for you.
TUVOK: On the contrary. The demands on a Vulcan's character are extraordinarily difficult. Do not mistake composure for ease. How may I be honest with you today?
CHAKOTAY: I'd just like to know, from someone else who pulled the wool over my eyes, was I particularly naive? Was I not paying enough attention? What the hell was it that let all you spies get by me?
TUVOK: Like all humans, you depend on feelings and instincts to guide you, and they invariably let you down. But particularly naive? No, Commander, and I've always considered your attention span to be adequate.
CHAKOTAY: Did you ever see anything about Seska that make you suspicious?
TUVOK: No. She quite expertly pulled the wool over my eyes as well.
CHAKOTAY: Well, that makes me feel a little better. Thanks.
TUVOK: Curious.
TUVOK: That my failure, added to your own, should improve your feelings.
CHAKOTAY: Misery loves company, Tuvok.
eller Neelix. Han ligger bara vid behov, genom logik och eller plikt. Titta på episoden där han stjäl platsviktsteknik, mot premiärriktivet utan att berätta Janeway.