Varför blev Altamid övergiven?


I Start Trek Beyond registrerar Krall att när han närmade sig Altamid blev den helt övergiven.

Captain's Log.... I don't remember the Stardate. All distress calls are nonsense. Of the crew, only 3 remain. I will only die. The entities abandoned this planet long ago. They left behind sophisticated mining equipment and a drone platforms. They had some sort of technology that prolongs life. I'll do whatever it takes for me and my crew. The Federation do not care about us. Probably never see me again but if you do be ready.

Varför lämnade Altamidianerna sin planet?

uppsättning janisz 19.08.2016 15:13

1 svar


Alla tecken pekar på att Altamid är en övergiven gruvkoloni. Observera att vi vid flera tillfällen på planeten ser stora svärmar av insekter som kanske inspirerade skapandet av svärmaskorna.

JUNG: We had loftier ambitions about that planet from early on. Justin’s idea was that [the soldiers] were sort of like drones in a way, and that they don’t actually have a lot [of] conscious thought of their own. That sort of answers how Krall would be able to come in and take all this stuff.

But they weren’t a society that had weaponized anything. He took this energy source and perverted it in a particular way, and took over what was essentially a mining colony out there. It was one of those things were we felt that he didn’t have an invading force, but he was taking his skills as an ex-soldier and applying them in a way that he probably never thought he would have to do.

We Talk to BEYOND Co-Writer Doug Jung about Krall’s Soldiers, Deep Trek Connections, and His Acting Debut

När det gäller varför de lämnade planeten skulle det logiska svaret vara att det var utvinet. När det gäller varför så mycket (bokstavligen hundratusentals skepp) verkar det troligt att Krall / Edison hittade en liten övergiven koloni och uppdragde dronorna att bygga så många fartyg som möjligt med tillgängliga resurser.

svaret ges 19.08.2016 16:15