Fantasi kort historia samling med jätte mördande fågel, en man som dör och återvänder som en kvinna och alla bär egyptiska stil smycken


Jag läste den här boken två gånger (så jag vet att jag inte drömmer) ungefär 12-15 år sedan. Jag drog den från staplarna i ett rinky-dink-bibliotek i en rinky-dink liten södra stad. De lämnade förmodligen fel som sci-fi när de menade att det var fantasi eller vice versa. Här är några detaljer om boken:

  • Det finns en jätte fågelstalkning och dödande människor i England (jag tror England).
  • Det finns en karaktär som är en man som dör och återvänder som en kvinna.
  • På en tid i boken bär alla egyptiska smycken och kläder som en fashion forward sak.
  • Boken var en serie sammanlänkade berättelser med en mycket Poe-ish känsla för dem.
  • uppsättning J Lanay 15.01.2017 04:10

    1 svar


    OP har sagt i en (nu-borttagen) kommentar att den är ...

    Paradys hemliga böcker , av Tanith Lee

    F***ing TANITH LEE!! The Secret Books of Paradys...I found it. I literally had to scan through the library online catalogue for my childhood town (like 1800 books) until my memory went THERE THAT YES. I ordered the full series off Amazon. Mission impossible completed. – J Lanay Jul 26 at 2:42

    Jag har satsat på att gå igenom för att hitta hur det matchar beskrivningen.

    There is a giant bird stalking and killing people in England (I think England).

    Yep; det finns ett stort fågeldödande folk:

    The corpse, which seemed to have been attacked by a giant bird, was accordingly rendered into ashes.


    And in the cart, on top of the sacks, was a huge rock of a bird, black-caped like a nun, with a breast of ice, and an amber blaze against the blade of its beak, which resembled — or might have been — obsidian.

    There is a character that is a man who dies and returns as a woman.

    Yep; detta händer verkligen:

    I screamed aloud and my eyes flew open. My hands flew up, and took hold of the flimsy botched coffin, and broke it. It shattered around me and the earth poured in, and like a fish leaping from some depth of water, I drove myself upward. I exploded from the pit in a fountain of blackness, soil and stones and splintered wood. Almost asphyxiated, I kneeled in the broken grave, retching and coughing and choking for air; all the horrors of birth.


    I met an old rag-picker, an old bent woman, as I was leaving the cemetery. She stared at me, as the moon had done. "Oh, lady," she said, "oh lady are you in a fix."
    "I shall be better soon."
    "I thought it was a man," she said, "a boy. But there's grave-dirt in your hair."


    Here I was still in both their clothes, the garments of the blond Philippe, and of the young man who, until very recently (but how recently?), had been myself.

    Det finns några omnämnande av egyptiska smycken ...:

    He had brought nothing away. But Curt, dispatched on Rudolf Vlok's orders, had scurried about the house, packed clothes and personal items, and included in his itinerary the the Garb-Egyptian dress, wig and jewellery he had found lying on the study floor.

    ... men jag kan inte hitta mycket som skulle indikera att det är vanligt utan att läsa hela boken.

    Citat som hittades med Google Böcker .

    svaret ges 06.09.2018 12:21