Var Palpatine planerar att flytta till den första Death Star?


Planerade Palpatine att flytta sin huvudstyrningsstation till den första Death Star när den var klar som han gjorde på den andra, eller tänkte han stanna kvar på Coruscant?

Jag är nyfiken på att alla andra högsta militära / politiska ledarna hade sitt kontor på Death Star efter att den kejserliga senaten avskaffades, om jag förstår rätt.

uppsättning Sagierian 08.12.2016 00:30

1 svar


Svaret på den här är ett bevakat "nej". Vi känner från Legends källor att kejsaren faktiskt hade ett Throne Room på den första Death Star, men alla indikationer är att han bara använde den under periodiska besök (såsom vapentester) och att han inte hade något planerar att göra det till sin fasta bas, och litar på sina underverk som Tarkin och Vader för att driva stationen i hans namn.

In addition, the Death Star included a throne room for the Emperor in its finished design, and the maintenance and management of this cham¬ber fell to the command sector. The practice of setting aside a specific room from which the Emperor could rule began when throne rooms were built within Star Destroyers of Imperial- class or better. While the Emperor rarely, if ever, makes use of such facilities, his decree demanded that they be available for those rare occasions.


While many believe that the Imperial throne room constructed aboard the Death Star was merely a figurative gesture to appease the Emperor. it was in fact a fully functional command center. The Emperor could control, monitor, and communicate with all areas of the battle station from his throne, effectively wielding the ultimate weapon as his own will dictates. The throne responded only to the Emperor's commands, however, using technologies tuned to his particular physical and mental patterns. The throne could not have been wielded by anyone but the Emperor.

The throne room was built high within an exterior tower, providing a spectacular view of space beyond. This tower was heavily shielded, more so than any other portion of the battle station, and the hull around it had been doubly reinforced to protect against incoming artillery. It was virtually impenetrable from the outside.

Royal living quarters were below the throne room, as well as quarters for the Emperor's personal body guards and his advisors. Within the armored sphere, just below the tower, was an emergency throne room in case the tower ever suffered structural damage.

Star Wars: Death Star Technical Companion

svaret ges 08.12.2016 00:59