Har någon använt båda Infinity Gauntlets på samma gång?


I mellanslagsplatsen Age of Ultron ser vi

a left-handed Infinity Gauntlet.

Tidigare i Odins kammare, i Thor , ser vi en högerhändig Infinity Gauntlet.

Min fråga är

Has anybody wielded both of them at the same time?

uppsättning Gautham 07.05.2015 09:04

1 svar


I Marvel Cinematic Universe har ingen sett att använda antingen Infinity Gauntlet.

  • Den högra Infinity Gauntlet i Odins troféhall har pärlor på den men det är osannolikt att dessa pärlor är verkliga eftersom vi vet var fyra av pärlorna är just nu. Vi vet också att Tesseract är INTE på Infinity Gauntlet i trofekammaren eftersom den var van vid att reparera den trasiga Bifrost.

We have seen the left Infinity Gauntlet in Thanos' secret lair and when he puts it on, it has NO gems on it either. This means we are left to assume either the Gauntlets have some properties of their own without the Infinity gems on them or one of these gauntlets is a mockup or model. Or there could be some new Marvel Cinematic Universe story explaining why there are TWO Infinity Gauntlets even though the comics only had one such gauntlet at a time.



  • In the Ultimate Marvel universe, a version of the Infinity Gauntlet is seen in Project Pegasus. The Mind Gem (stolen by Hydra) is used by Modi (Thor's son) to control both Director Flumm and Cassie Lang, but are stopped by the Ultimates.

  • The Gem of Power is later revealed to be in the possession of former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Sayuri Kyota, while a second Infinity Gauntlet is recovered from an A.I.M. base by Thor and Susan Storm. Kang the Conqueror later allies himself with the Hulk, Reed Richards and Quicksilver as part of a plan to steal the two Gauntlets, which results in the destruction of the Triskelion. Quicksilver recovers two additional gems allowing the villains to teleport away.

  • Richards is later able to recover another of the gems, which is found lodged in Tony Stark's brain. He informs Stark that the Infinity Gems are needed to save the world from a coming cataclysm that will destroy the entire universe. After brainwashing Johnny Storm and forcing him to travel to the Earth's core, the Dark Ultimates are able to recover the final gem, but are defeated by the Ultimates. The gems then shatter, rendering the Gauntlets useless. (REF: Wikipedia - Infinity Gems - Ultimate Marvel)

Eftersom Marvel Cinematic Universe verkar använda information från både Earth-616 och Earth-1610-universum, är det möjligt att andra handske finns på grund av dessa storyliner.

svaret ges 07.05.2015 09:34