Var kommer ljus från Jules Verne resa till Jordens centrum?


Ansvarsbegränsning: Jag har inte läst boken ännu, men är verkligen nyfiken på detta, men försöker undvika spoilers som ger bort hela historien. Jag försöker bara få ett svar på den här frågan utan att lära mig för mycket annat.

Sannerligen i mitten av jorden skulle det vara svartvitt? Var kommer ljuset från?

uppsättning temporary_user_name 15.05.2016 19:24

1 svar


De flesta av ljuskällorna är ganska vardagliga:

  • De sätter ut med ficklampor, men de använder sällan dem för rädsla för att orsaka explosion (betoning av min):

    My uncle had been hard at work all the afternoon. The garden was full of ropes, rope ladders, torches, gourds, iron clamps, crowbars, alpenstocks, and pickaxes—enough to load ten men.

    A Journey to the Center of the Earth Chapter 4: "We Start on the Journey"

  • För mycket av resan bär de resenärer Ruhmkorff spolarna :

    All our industry and ability were devoted to packing every object in the most advantageous manner—the instruments on one side, the arms on the other, the tools here and the provisions there. There were, in fact, four distinct groups.

    The instruments were of course of the best manufacture:


  • Two Ruhmkorff coils, which, by means of a current of electricity, would ensure us a very excellent, easily carried, and certain means of obtaining light.
  • A Journey to the Center of the Earth Chapter 8: "The Eider-Down Hunter — Off At Last"

    Harry bryter en av dessa spolar i kapitel 23 när han faller. Den andra bryts under flykten från Centralhavet.

  • Efter att ha flyttat från centrala havet lyckas Hans tända en eld i resterna av en av Ruhmkorff-spolarna:

    The clever and patient hunter had succeeded in lighting the lantern; and though, in the keen and thorough draft, the flame flickered and vacillated and was nearly put out, it served partially to dissipate the awful obscurity.

    A Journey to the Center of the Earth Chapter 39: "The Explosion and Its Results"

    Men detta går snabbt ut; det överlever inte till slutet av kapitlet.

Men det finns några fanciful exempel:

  • Den första förekomsten av en oförklarlig ljuskälla ligger i centrala havet (bokstavligen ett hav i en grotta), som upplystas av en okänd källa. Harry spekulerar på att ljuset orsakas av vissa elektromagnetiska fenomen:

    One thing startled and puzzled me greatly. How was it that I was able to look upon that vast sheet of water instead of being plunged in utter darkness? The vast landscape before me was lit up like day. But there was wanting the dazzling brilliancy, the splendid irradiation of the sun; the pale cold illumination of the moon; the brightness of the stars. The illuminating power in this subterranean region, from its trembling and Rickering character, its clear dry whiteness, the very slight elevation of its temperature, its great superiority to that of the moon, was evidently electric; something in the nature of the aurora borealis, only that its phenomena were constant, and able to light up the whole of the ocean cavern.

    A Journey to the Center of the Earth Chapter 27: "The Central Sea"

  • Något sätt av ljusgaser belyser en annan kammare:

    The raft took a sudden turn, whirled round, entered another tunnel—this time illumined in a most singular manner. The roof was formed of porous stalactite, through which a moonlit vapor appeared to pass, casting its brilliant light upon our gaunt and haggard figures. The light increased as we advanced, while the roof ascended; until at last, we were once more in a kind of water cavern, the lofty dome of which disappeared in a luminous cloud!

    A Journey to the Center of the Earth Chapter 40: "The Ape Gigans"

svaret ges 15.05.2016 20:16