Varför tyckte Umbridge om Harry från början?


Dolores Umbridge tycktes hata Harry från början. Varför? Jag tror inte att Harry träffade Umbridge innan Phoenix-ordningen , men hon skickade Dementors efter honom, sa att Harry måste tas hand om osv. Jag minns inte henne och förklarar varför hon hatade Harry .

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uppsättning hraish kumar 08.12.2014 06:23

3 svar


Umbridges berättelse om Pottermore som publicerades i november 2014 klargör 3 skäl till hennes förföljelse av Harry Potter:

  • Hon svetsade sig till Cornelius Fudge politiskt och, som vi vet från böckerna, var Fudges partilinje att Dumbledore syftar till att lossa honom som MoM, och Harry var ett ljungande barn som tjänar slutet med sina lögner om "Han som inte får tillåtas att ha återvänt".

    I själva verket skulle discrediting Harry vara en stor vinst för hennes beskyddare Fudge, och vice versa.

    As the Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge became increasingly anxious and paranoid that Albus Dumbledore had ambitions to supersede him, Dolores managed to claw her way to the very heart of power, by stoking both Fudge’s vanity and his fears, and presenting herself as one of the few he could trust.

  • Umbridge hatade muggles och muggleborns.

    Som sådan var Harry en dålig sak båda som ett halvblod, och som en symbol för dem som höll pro-muggle och anti-bigoted views.

    After a glass of sweet sherry, Dolores was always prone to spout very uncharitable views, and even those who were anti-Muggle found themselves shocked by some of Dolores’s suggestions, behind closed doors, of the treatment that the non-magical community deserved

  • Umbridge var en kontrollfreak , som såg Harry som en utmaning för sin auktoritet , och hennes svar på en sådan utmaning var att stämpla ut det:

    Dolores’s appointment as Inquisitor at Hogwarts gave full scope, for the first time in her life, for her prejudices and her cruelty. She had not enjoyed her time at school, where she had been overlooked for all positions of responsibility, and she relished the chance to return and wield power over those who had not (as she saw it) given her her due.


    Dolores has what amounts to a phobia of beings that are not quite, or wholly, human. Her distaste for the half-giant Hagrid, and her terror of centaurs, reveal a terror of the unknown and the wild. She is an immensely controlling person, and all who challenge her authority and world-view must, in her opinion, be punished....

  • svaret ges 08.12.2014 15:13

    Hon hade inte personligen hatar honom. Hon försökte bara göra sitt jobb och hon var ganska ärlig.

    Wikia Dolores Umbridge:

    Umbridge was also a cool-demeanoured sadist who rarely expressed the extent of her anger openly, casually making decrees and handing out torturous punishments with a smile (most notably, forcing Harry to carve "I will not tell lies" into the back of his hand with a Blood Quill). She created several new rules and regulations in order to increase control and chances to punish students, despite many of them being ridiculous and unfair.

    Ministeriet skickade henne till ett specifikt jobb om hon inte hade gjort det, hon skulle ha varit i trubbel och skulle ha förlorat en del av hennes makt. Från följande citat kan vi se att hon inte skulle gilla det. Hon utövar sin makt i sin helhet, jag menar att hon nästan dödade professor McGonagall.

    She was depicted using any means to maintain her personal power and the political power of her bosses. She committed attempted soul-removal (via the Dementor attack on Harry), solicited bribes, and tortured children to achieve her goals.

    Och hon hatade även sin egen familj.

    Her younger brother was a Squib but she herself was born a witch. Under her father's influence, she despised her Muggle mother and her Squib brother, considering them inferior to her and her father, and they both denounced them.

    Det var verkligen inte bara Harry hon hatade alla som inte hade makt att stoppa henne. Det berodde på att hon kände sig dålig om sig själv.

    Following Voldemort's takeover of the Ministry of Magic in 1997, Umbridge resumed her post as Under-Secretary and oversaw the registration and persecution of Muggle-born witches and wizards. She conducted trials with sadistic pleasure, subjecting innocent Muggle-borns to the presence of Dementors and sending them to Azkaban for supposedly stealing magic from "real" witches and wizards

    Cos Forums har lite intressant tar på sig det.

    Från User Fellyphone:

    I think the original reason why Umbridge had a beef against Harry had to do with her wanting power and she saw Harry as a threat because he associated himself with Dumbledore. Rather than get rid of Dumbledore right away, she sought to discredit Harry and to wreck havoc on his summer by sending out the dementors.

    Harry skulle aldrig hålla koll på vad som hände och som underminerade sin auktoritet eftersom hon skulle "stoppa lögner" och göra ministeriets budgivning.

    Från User Saiorri:

    I think like a lot of other people, especially the ones who wanted to discredit Dumbledore, Umbridge wanted to silence Harry just to prove he's human and not "The Chosen One." Umbridge didn't have to know Harry to discredit him. He was trying to tell everyone that LV was back, when the Ministry was saying LV was a done deal from over a decade ago. I was just talking to my mother about this the other day. Imagine, if you will, that we didn't know that Hitler shot himself instead of being defeated by his last victim, and we didn't have a body to prove he was gone, and then some kid claims "Hitler" did some murders in Israel in 1958 and he was there-----if you lived in Israel, would you want to believe he was back?!?! ......

    svaret ges 08.12.2014 06:59

    Vi måste komma ihåg, hon hade Voldemorts halsband runt halsen ... kom ihåg vad det gjorde för Ron, Harry när han bär den? När Harry gick in i poolen för att hämta svärdet försökte han döda honom ... så det borde vara anledningen till att det kunde ha haft en märklig effekt på Dolores, som inte bara ville tysta Harry, men kanske även döda honom tillsammans med Dudley.

    svaret ges 06.08.2017 05:52