Yoda (den enda återstående Jedi-mästaren) ställer en mycket specifik förutsättning för att Luke kan kalla sig en Jedi, som han måste konfrontera med Vader.
“No more training do you require,” Yoda assured him. “Already know you that which you need.”
“Then I am a Jedi?” Luke pressed. No. He knew he was not, quite. Something still lacked.
Yoda wrinkled up his wizened features. “Not yet. One thing remains. Vader … Vader you must confront. Then, only then, a full Jedi you’ll be. And confront him you will, sooner or later.”
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi - Official Novelisation
Eftersom han uppnår detta senare i filmen är det rättvist att säga att han är en Jedi.
- Vader tycker att Luke är en Jedi .
Vader seemed almost to smile through his mask at his son’s use of Jedi voice-manipulation. He looked down at the lightsaber the captain had given him—Luke’s lightsaber. So the boy was truly a Jedi now. A man grown. He held the lightsaber up. “You have constructed another.”
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi - Official Novelisation
- Luke tycker att han är en Jedi.
He hurled his lightsaber away. “Never! Never will I turn to the dark side! You have failed, Palpatine. I am a Jedi, as my father was before me.”
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi - Official Novelisation
- Kejsaren tycker att Luke är en Jedi
The Emperor’s glee turned to a sullen rage. “So be it, Jedi. If you will not be turned, you will be destroyed.”
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi - Official Novelisation
Det är också värt att notera filmens officiella novellering kallar honom uttryckligen en Jedi Knight ganska konsekvent i hela boken.
The monster then turned and started for Luke. But the Jedi Knight leaped eight meters straight up and grabbed onto the overhead grate. The crowd began to boo. Hand over hand, Luke traversed the grating toward the corner of the cave, struggling to maintain his grip as the audience jeered his efforts. One hand slipped on the oily grid, and he dangled precariously over the baying mutant.
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi - Official Novelisation
Referensboken (full canon) Ultimate Star Wars kallar honom en Jedi i tidslinjen på Lukes sida.
Jedi Luke Skywalker demands Jabba release Han Solo
Den fullständiga kanonen Star Wars i 100 scener faktabok överens.
Desperate, the young Jedi [Luke] calls out to his gravely wounded father for help.
och den officiella StarWars.com databasen artikeln om Luke.
Luke Skywalker was a Tatooine farmboy who rose from humble beginnings to become one of the greatest Jedi the galaxy has ever known.
Intressant är att (canon) Star Wars Made Easy: En nybörjarguide till en galax långt, långt borta faktabokpoäng det exakta ögonblicket som Luke blir en fullfjädrad Jedi när han kastar bort sin lightsaber under hans duell med Vader.
No. Luke does call himself a Jedi Knight when he goes to Jabba’s palace, but it is not until later that he truly becomes one by renouncing the dark side, even though it will likely cost him his life.