Varför har någon rustning både Hull Points och Skade Reduktion?


Alla rustningar inom spelet Planet Mercenary sportar någon grad av skadoreducering, vilket minskar inkommande skador.

Damage Reduction: Each time you suffer damage while wearing the armor, reduce the damage by this amount. Some attacks may have the ability to ignore Damage Reduction.

En del rustning har också Hull Points

Some of the heaviest armor also provides you with 1 Hull Point (Hull) of protection. This is equivalent to the lightest raw protection on a space vessel, and it blocks all physical damage until an enemy frst punches through that layer (some exceptions exist to this rule, as noted for various attacks). An attack that inflicts any amount of hull damage destroys a suit of armor, including one offering one or more Hull Points of protection. In a suit of armor offering hull protection you can withstand a single attack that inflicts hull damage, but afer that the armor is destroyed and you’re effectively not wearing armor at all.

Denna rustning har också skadningsreducering, trots att alla vapen som inte gör skrovskador inte gör någon skada och ett vapen som gör skrovskador förstör förstör rustningen. Så, var kommer DR in?

uppsättning Sean Duggan 18.11.2017 21:52

1 svar


Errata för produkten ger lite vägledning:

Armor has damage reduction listed even when it also has hull points, because some weapons bypass armor defense, thus requiring a simulation of armor adding "extra health" and the ability to "reduce damage", all in one package.

Alan Bahr, designern, säger att medan det inte finns något vapen som förbi Hull Points, men riktar sig till DR, förbehåller de sig rätten att lägga till ett sådant vapen senare, så de ville bestämma vad som skulle hända i det fallet.

The intent here is this:

Hull Points block all damage.
Eventually we might release a weapon quality that "ignores Hull Points", but we still want Armor Reduction to apply. In order to accomplish that, we preemptively included this text.

As of now, there are no rules that Ignore HP awhile allowing Armor Reduction to apply. It's all or nothing.

If your Armor has HP, you can't be hurt until a weapon does 1 HP worth of damage. Once that happens, your armor is trashed and you get no benefit from it. Armor Reduction doesn't apply.

svaret ges 18.11.2017 21:52