Hade Darth Bane en plan för efter att Republiken förstördes?


Har Darth Bane planerat efter att planen var klar? Skulle det finnas en regel av en? Eller fortfarande en regel av två? Eller till och med mer än två Sith?

uppsättning mozart mario 12.05.2016 17:33

1 svar


Bane-trilogin säger inte mycket om Banans planer efter att Jedi utrotades och galaxen erövrade. Detta mål var så långt borta (det tog 1000 år innan Palpatine förstörde Republiken) att Bane förmodligen inte hade mycket av en plan själv. Det närmaste exemplet jag kan hitta säger detta (Banans tankar, min läggning läggs till):

Under his leadership the Sith had been reborn. Now they numbered only two—one Master and one apprentice; one to embody the power of the dark side, the other to crave it. Thus would the Sith line always flow from the strongest, the one most worthy. Bane’s Rule of Two ensured that the power of both Master and apprentice would grow from generation to generation until the Sith were finally able to exterminate the Jedi and usher in a new galactic age.

Star Wars: Dynasty of Evil, p. 9

Detta indikerar att Bane alltid var tänkt att följa regeln av två . Han indikerade inte mycket om vad som skulle hända efter att Republiken förstördes, förutom att det skulle vara en "ny galaktisk ålder". Sith skulle troligen ha styrt galaxen som mästare och lärling, med mästaren som också innehar kejsarens ställning. Lärlingen skulle bli mästaren och kejsaren när han dödade sin egen mästare.

En annan passage förklarar Banans resonemang för att skapa Rule of Two (igen, Banans tankar):

By its very nature, the dark side invites rivalry and strife. This is the greatest strength of the Sith: it culls the weak from our order.

The constant battling of the Sith since the beginning of recorded history served a necessary purpose: it kept the power of the dark side concentrated in a few powerful individuals. The Brotherhood had changed all that. There were now a hundred or more Dark Lords following Kaan, but most were weak and inferior. The Sith numbers were greater than they had ever been, yet they were still losing the war against the Jedi.

The power of the dark side cannot be dispersed among the masses. It must be concentrated in the few who are worthy of the honor.

The strength of numbers was a trap … one that had snared all the great Sith Lords who had come before. Naga Sadow, Exar Kun, Darth Revan: each had been powerful. Each had drawn disciples in, teaching them the ways of the dark side. Each had assembled an army of followers and unleashed them against the Jedi. Yet in each and every case the servants of light had prevailed.

The Jedi would always remain united in their cause. The Sith would always be brought low by infighting and betrayals. The very traits that drove them to individual greatness and glory—the unrelenting ambition, the insatiable hunger for power—would ultimately doom them as a whole. This was the inescapable paradox of the Sith.

Kaan had tried to solve the problem by making everyone equal in the Brotherhood. But his solution was flawed. It showed no understanding of the real problem. No understanding of the true nature of the dark side. The Sith must be ruled by a single leader: the very embodiment of the strength and power of the dark side.

If all are equal, then none is strong. Yet whoever rose from the swollen and bloated ranks of the Sith to claim the mantle of Dark Lord would never be able to hold it. In time the apprentices will unite their strength and overthrow the Master. It is inevitable. Together the weak would overwhelm the strong in a gross perversion of the natural order.

But there was another solution. A way to break the endless cycle dragging the Sith down. Bane understood that now. At first he had thought the answer might be to replace the order of the Sith with a single, all-powerful Dark Lord. No other Masters. No apprentices. Just one vessel to contain all the knowledge and power of the dark side. But he had quickly dismissed the idea.

Eventually even a Dark Lord would wither and die; all the knowledge of the Sith would be lost. If the leader grows weak, another must rise to seize the mantle. One alone would never work. But if the Sith numbered exactly two …

Minions and servants could be drawn into the service of the dark side by the temptation of power. They could be given small tastes of what it offered, as an owner might share morsels from the table with his faithful curs. In the end, however, there could be only one true Sith Master. And to serve this Master, there could be only one true apprentice.

Two there should be; no more, no less. One to embody the power, the other to crave it.

Star Wars: Path of Destruction, p. 237

Bane ansåg att det var en grundläggande fråga om den mörka sidan att den måste koncentreras till några individer. Dess "natur" inbjuder rivalitet som slog de svaga men försvagade Sith som helhet genom att få dem att kämpa bland dem istället för deras Jedi-fiender. Banan trodde också att förekomsten av för många Sith var ett återkommande problem som hade orsakat nedfallet av alla tidigare Sith Lords (t ex Revan). Å andra sidan skulle en enda Sith Lord så småningom dö så "en ensam skulle aldrig fungera". Således var två Sith det ideala numret, och detta skulle alltid vara sant på grund av den "sanna naturen" på den mörka sidan. Att erövra galaxen och utrota Jedi skulle inte förändra den mörka sidan, så regeln om två skulle alltid vara i kraft.

svaret ges 12.05.2016 18:06