Vad är Mycrofts jobb?


Vad gör Mycroft faktiskt i den nya BBC-serien Sherlock?

Han verkar ha mycket makt, ser hur han kan spionera på människor, handlar om terrorister, utländskt hot etc. Men då handlar han också om Royals privata problem, vet drottningen.

Jag skulle tro att han skulle vara något som huvudet på MI5, men då stannar han för mycket i bakgrunden. Jag föreställer mig inte honom, till exempel, informera parlamentsledamöterna om hotet om cyberbrottslighet.

Har han någon speciell position? Ett jobb skapat bara för honom?

uppsättning Shantnu Tiwari 20.06.2017 11:08

5 svar


Hans officiella position anges aldrig, antingen i tv-serierna eller i canon-historierna.

I tv-serien är han en felsökare för den brittiska etableringen som beviljats (eller antar) stora makt och förmågor.

I enlighet med Doyleberättningarna hänvisas han till Sherlock enligt följande:

"He is the British Government – when he's not too busy being the British Secret Service or the CIA on a freelance basis."

A Study in Pink

Det här ligner mycket på Doyle-beskrivningen ...

"Practically he is the British government [...] the most indispensable man in the country." He apparently serves as a sort of human computer, as stated in "The Bruce-Partington Plans":

He has the tidiest and most orderly brain, with the greatest capacity for storing facts, of any man living. The same great powers which I have turned to the detection of crime he has used for this particular business. The conclusions of every department are passed to him, and he is the central exchange, the clearinghouse, which makes out the balance. All other men are specialists, but his specialism is omniscience. We will suppose that a minister needs information as to a point which involves the Navy, India, Canada and the bimetallic question; he could get his separate advices from various departments upon each, but only Mycroft can focus them all, and say offhand how each factor would affect the other. They began by using him as a short-cut, a convenience; now he has made himself an essential. In that great brain of his everything is pigeon-holed and can be handed out in an instant.



"Well, his position is unique. He has made it for himself. There has never been anything like it before, nor will be again

A. Conan Doyle - The Bruce-Partington Plans

svaret ges 20.06.2017 11:20

Det blev besvarat i det första avsnittet En studie i rosa bara här är det samtalet:

Dr John Watson: He's your brother?

Sherlock Holmes: Of course he's my brother.

Dr John Watson: So he's not...

Sherlock Holmes: Not what?

Dr John Watson: I don't know... criminal mastermind?

Sherlock Holmes: Close enough.

Mycroft Holmes: For goodness sake, I occupy a minor position in the British government.

Sherlock Holmes: He is the British government when he's not too busy being the British Secret Service or the CIA on a free-lance basis. Good evening, Mycroft. Try not to start a war before I get home. You know what it does for the traffic. - IMDb

svaret ges 20.06.2017 11:19

Enligt Mycroft Wiki :

Mark Gatiss plays Mycroft in the 2010 BBC television series Sherlock of which he is the co-creator. In this contemporary version, Sherlock and Mycroft exhibit smouldering animosity toward each other (which Dr. Watson characterises as "sibling rivalry" and Mycroft himself refers to as a "childish feud"). Mycroft is part of the Cabinet Office, and is so powerful that he can use mass surveillance to track Sherlock.

I början av Säsong 4 Episode 1 (The Six Thatchers) visas det en bild av ett sekretessmeddelande Indikerar en hemlig information och adressaten: Skåpkontoret

Ävenomdeti Baker Street Wiki sägs att han även har en högre nivåer än Cabinet Office :

Mycroft claims to merely "occupy a minor position in the government." However, according to Sherlock, he functionally is the British Government, acting as the control centre or "clearing house" for all government actions and decisions.There are signs throughout the series that Sherlock Holmes is right about Mycroft's high position in the UK Government, such as his ability to control CCTV cameras at will. He also is shown to have the ability to hack into cash machines and make them display messages he wants the user to see. "The Reichenbach Fall". Sherlock (2010). Series 2. Episode 3. BBC One.

Reflecting his high position is his priority level "Ultra" and clearance level higher than the Cabinet Office or even the Prime Minister: him and a group of peers with certain codenames are the only people to know what really happened at Appledore and doctored the footage that will go public and even managed to clear Sherlock of his crimes. He is also implied to have a great say over certain policies: the fact that the British Government stopped using freelance agents for missions after the incident in Tbilisi is his initiative. With his priority level, he has access to MI5's top secret archives.

Några detaljer om Skåpkontor :

The Cabinet Office is a department of the Government of the United Kingdom responsible for supporting the Prime Minister and Cabinet of the United Kingdom. It is composed of various units that support Cabinet committees and which co-ordinate the delivery of government objectives via other departments. It currently has just over 2,000 staff, most of whom work in Whitehall. Staff working in the Prime Minister's Office are part of the Cabinet Office.

The Cabinet Office's core functions are:

  • Supporting the Prime Minister to define and deliver the Government’s objectives, implement political and constitutional reform, and drive forward from the centre particular cross-departmental priority issues such as public service improvement, social exclusion and the third sector;
  • Supporting the Cabinet – to drive the coherence, quality and delivery of policy and operations across departments; and
  • Strengthening the civil service – to ensure the civil service is organised effectively and efficiently and has the capability in terms of skills, values and leadership to deliver the Government's objectives, including ensuring value for money to the taxpayer. This also includes working with the Treasury to drive efficiency and reform across the public sector.

Other functions include oversight of the Crown Commercial Service and the accreditation of Social Impact Contractors.

svaret ges 20.06.2017 22:31

I Hans sista Vow, S03E03, granskar Magnussen sina mentala filer på Sherlock. Sherlocks fil läser, delvis:

Brother: Mycroft Holmes
M.I. 6 (See file)

Medan det inte uttryckligen anges att han är huvudet av MI6, är det på skärmen som han arbetar där.

svaret ges 22.06.2017 23:23

Från böckerna.

Han har ingen officiell ställning, och vill inte heller ha en permanent och det skulle innebära att han har skyldigheter.

Men alla människor som har stor makt och / eller inflytande känner till honom och vet om de frågar honom om en lösning, de kommer att bli mycket bra. Hes är i grunden den mest intelligenta personen på planeten ganska lång väg (Mer än Sherlock med rättvis marginal) men är för lat för att ha någon önskan om makt eller ambition.

"Alla andra män är specialister, men hans specialitet är allvetenhet."

svaret ges 21.06.2017 17:47