Är det kanske Den sista Deathship off Antares? Det var svaret på den här frågan , vilken har en liknande bok:
Human Fleet fought the Alien Fleet and lost. (The war has been long over when the book begins) The human suvivors are put on prison ships in a prison fleet and start a voyage to some alien destiation. [100s(?) ships with 1000s(?) of prisoners on each] The ships are large cylinderical tubes with the coffin like cells set in the walls. The cells have glass doors that open and close on a set pattern (only 1 inmate per cell allowed, if 2 are in the door wont close. when the door closes there is food and water and air and you can sleep.
The alien guards never enter the cylinder, but they Do randomly play with the cell controls, only powering some of them or only allowing food in some of them. There are indicator lights so everyone knows which cells will be working and which ones wont.
This results in anarchy and daily battles as the prisoners fight to be in "good" cells before the cells doors close. Once the cell doors close anyone outside the cell will die. (not enough air)