Varför dör alla Chitauri-soldaterna plötsligt?


I slutet av Avengers-filmen skjuter Tony en nyckel upp i Chitauris rymdhål. Det går boom och alla Chitauri soldater omedelbart faller döda.


Varför dör de plötsligt plötsligt?

uppsättning Valorum 28.07.2017 12:47

2 svar


Detta förklarades tydligt i pilotavsnittet Agents of SHIELD där de visar en Chitauri neurala länken som Agent Grant Ward befriar från Vanchat i Paris.

Den här S.H.I.E.L.D. bevisblad ger mer information (som trots de många stavfel, verkar vara en officiell artefakt av serien ).

The Chitauri Neural Link is a communication pathway between the Chitauri soldiers and their technology. Neural links are often used to assist, augment, or repair cognitive or sensory-motor functions. They can also be used as a type of mind control and manipulation prostheses. The link connects all Chitauri to each other, to their weapons, and to their vehicles. All information and commands are routed through the Mother Ship which guides the Chitauri forces during their invasion. This makes them a rather formidable fighting force.


The Chitauri Mother Ship acts as the main communication hub for the invading Chitauri forces. Not only does it allow their soldiers to communicate but also directs them in battle. The Chitauri are of a hive mind, a singular collective of alien cybor-like creatures working as one to overwelm their enemies.

Fury orders Iron Man to intercept a nuclear bomb and dispose of it. Stark takes it to the portal and blows up the Chitauri Mother Ship, severing the link between the Mother Ship and it's army, thus killing all the Chitauri in New York with a immense feedback discharge.

svaret ges 28.07.2017 13:21

Författare / regissör Joss Whedon pratade med den här scenen i regissörens kommentar. Kort sagt var målet (från filmskapande perspektiv) att visa att kampen var definitivt över när Tony hade gjort sin hagel-Maria-offer.

And then we get into the inevitable sort of "Queen bee, uh-huh we killed the head and all the soldiers fall down dead". I'm not proud of that either, Okay? It was necessary to make sure we understood that they didn't have to clean up for the next 17 hours by still fighting. So they could actually have their moment of triumph but it's a device that I'm not fond of (and probably shouldn't have brought up!). (MP3 Link)

Om de inte hade "drop down dead" -scenen, skulle de ha behövt ytterligare scener för att förklara vad som hände med Chitauri-soldaterna efter det att rymdbrytningen stängdes. Det finns också stor skillnad mellan att döda en invaderande armé och döda en soldat som inte har något hopp om att fly.

svaret ges 30.07.2017 23:53