Om du ansöker om en annan Schengenvisum kommer det troligtvis att bli avslag.
Från en inofficiell webbplats om orsaker till avslag:
What else could destroy one’s Schengen Visa application is earlier history with the Schengen Visa. Such cases include:
Failing to previously respect Schengen Visa limitations (i.e. Overstay in the Schengen Area, failing to follow the presented travel itinerary – by skipping to stay mostly in the main country of destination in the Schengen Area, and so on).
Even if you get back to your home country without any fine or ban, you should know that your overstaying will cause you problems the next time you attempt to enter the Schengen Zone. Immigration officers and border guards tend to be suspicious on people who overstay once, no matter in which country they were caught overstaying. Therefore, you will encounter difficulties on getting a Schengen visa or crossing the EU external borders.
Malta är en del av Schengenområdet, så du kommer förmodligen att avslås.
Detta gäller endast om myndigheterna märker din tidigare övergång men utan pass eller biometriska uppgifter, hoppas att det är osannolikt att de kommer att märka det. Tack @ Nate Eldredge