Det korta svaret: Nej. Färdigheter som ökar attribut när de aktiveras / installeras betraktas som Augmentation Bonuses , medan det grundläggande numret för attributet anses vara Natural Rating .
Nu, bok citat. (All tonvikt min)
Låt oss först tala om Augmentation Bonuses .
First, when purchasing augmentations such as cyberware and bioware, each attribute rating (Mental and Physical) can only receive an augmentation bonus of up to +4. If the attribute being raised has not reached its natural maximum limit, the attribute can be raised naturally with Karma; but at no point can augmentations exceed the +4 bonus cap. (Pg. 94 RAW)
Som beskrivs om attributen har ett naturligt betyg (och högsta gräns) och en maximal förstoringsklassificering. Det betyder att allt som ökar dina attribut konstgjort räknas inte mot din naturliga attributnivå . Du måste också notera förbättringsbonus:
Augmentations need to be noted on the character sheet. The rating should be added to the natural attribute rating and the total written in parentheses next to the natural attribute rating to indicate the permanent augmented rating. For example, a character with a natural Strength rating of 4 and muscle augmentation 2 bioware should record their attribute as follows: Strength 4 (6). (Pg. 95 RAW)
Och här:
Both non-augmented and augmented attributes should be added together and listed the same as attributes, with the non-augmented number first followed by the augmented number in parentheses. (Pg. 100 RAW)
Nu, några exempel på var denna augmentation noteras.
Attributes boosted by cyberware or bioware do not affect the calculation for things such as points for Knowledge skills or Contacts. However, other in-game mechanics such as Initiative and Inherent Limits are modified by these augmentations, which means these bonuses need to be factored in during Step Eight: Final Numbers (p. 100). (Pg. 95 RAW)
Det här meddelar oss att deras bonusar, åtminstone för "ware", inte påverkar Rating beräkningarna, bara Augmented -beloppet. Medan detta exempel inte är en egenskap, fungerar de relativt lika. Dessutom fortsätter de för att förklara hur det ska noteras:
Speciellt för Adepts har vi:
This augments your attribute, so your Physical limit may also increase with the new Attribute rating. This power allows you to exceed your natural Attribute maximum, up to your augmented maximum. (Pg. 309 RAW)
För Förbättrad attribut .