Ja, enligt DM: s Guild
Eftersom Mearls alltid misstänker att tala med auktoritet, här är någon som talar med auktoritet, skriver idag (7 juni 2016):
Hello [redacted],
Thank you for contacting us regarding the DMs Guild.
You can write for any timeframe of Forgotten Realms. All material produced must be 5th edition, but the history of the Faerun at large can be used.
If you have further questions, let me know!
All the best,
Carolyn Neumann
Community Content Manager
Om det någonsin kommer upp, kan frågan jag postade kallas "Incident # 55636"
För sammanhang, här är texten till begäran jag skickade igår, 6 juni 2016:
Hello all-
I understand from the FAQs and CCL that I should be writing material for 5e and no older editions. Does that mean that material must be written and set in the Realms in the current timeline? That is, ca. 1480-90? Or may I set my adventures in a past time in the Realms, as long as the mechanics I"m using are 5e?
Many thanks,