Hvad var namnet på den felsäkra enheten som 7 av 9 hade i sin hjärna?


Vad var namnet på den felsäkra enheten som begränsade känslomängden i 7 av 9? Var det den kortikala noden eller kortikala hämmaren? Jag hittade den här sidan men det säger inte.

uppsättning 1.21 gigawatts 08.06.2014 06:30

1 svar


Det var hennes cortical node . A cortical inhibitor (inte samma sak) är en medicinsk enhet som undertrycker theta-vågens mentala aktivitet för att förhindra vissa typer av telepatiska skador.

Episoden du refererar till är VOY: " Mänskligt fel ".

EMH: Is it that obvious? I've completed my diagnostic. What you experienced was no malfunction. Your cortical node was designed to shut down your higher brain functions when you achieve a certain level of emotional stimulation.

SEVEN: Clarify.

EMH: It appears to be a fail-safe mechanism to deactivate drones who start to regain their emotions. Knowing the Borg, it makes perfect sense. Finding one's heart is the surest road to individuality.

Brannon Braga hade detta att säga om ämnet:

"It was my feeling that Seven Of Nine should have died. If you watch the episode ‘Human Error’ written by Andre Bormanis, it was not only a heart breaking episode in that Seven Of Nine learns, as she begins to explore her human emotions, that she can’t experience them. There’s a Borg chip inside her that will kill her if she tries to do so. First of all, that’s kind of an interesting ‘rape victim’ analogy or whatever you want to call it, about a damaged woman who can’t get past what happened to her, but I also always saw it as a crucial episode that would set up the finale.

"This was a woman who knew she was neither here nor there. She couldn’t go back to the Borg, nor would she want to, but she could never be fully human, so she was doomed. And I wanted to have her sacrifice herself to get her shipmates home."

svaret ges 08.06.2014 08:09