Trying för att hitta en YA roman Jag läste en gång om en gud som tar inkarnationer i ett land som är löst beläget på Antikens Grekland och Egypten


Romanen (jag tror att det var en trilogi) hade att göra med ett land där det finns en namngiven gud som tar på mänskliga inkarnationer. Jag tror att den nyaste inkarnationen måste tas bort från sin familj i hemlighet. Hur som helst, det var människor som försökte döda den nya guden och en grupp människor reste med honom för att rädda landet från invasion eller något. Landet hade delar av grekisk och egyptisk kultur blandad i.

Några scener jag minns:

  • Den nya gud känner att "guden" i honom vaknar som om spiraler i hans kropp rörde sig.
  • Den nya guden möter sin gamla inkarnation som han är på väg att korsa över på en färja till den andra sidan av en Styx-liknande flod
  • Det finns en ökenresa under vilken de är törsta
  • Det finns en staty av guden som har viss betydelse
  • Delphi-liknande orakler ??
  • En ande som kan ta på sig former som en jackal
  • uppsättning John 17.06.2017 23:13

    1 svar


    Det är inte säkert, men det låter som om det kan vara Oracle Prophecies Trilogy av Catherine Fisher, som består av Oracle (2003), The Archon (2004) och The Scarab USA-titlarna Oracle Betrayed, Secrets Sphere, Scarabens dag.

    Utdrag ur synopsier av böckerna :


    In the distant land of deserts and islands, the servants of the god rule the land, his wishes conveyed through the Oracle and interpreted by the High Priestess. Mirany is the new Bearer, afraid of her perilous duties for the god in the rituals of the Oracle, and fearful of her secret questioning ...Does the god truly exist? The priestess is corrupt and in secret partnership with the General, ruler, since the God-on-Earth, the Archon, has no real power - chosen as a child, his face always masked, never seen by outsiders. Should any national tragedy occur, he is also the sacrifice. When the old Archon dies, his spirit migrates into a child, and there are several candidates for succession. But Mirany begins to experience the real visions of the god, discovers which child is the rightful heir, and that the General and High Priestess intend to choose another child and seize power. With only a tomb-robbing scribe and a mad musician for allies, Mirany begins her quest - knowing that, if she is betrayed, her fate will be to be walled up alive in the Archon's tomb ...


    the Archon must face a journey of treachery and adventure across the pitiless desert in a bid to save his people ...The Archon vows to lead a pilgrimage to the Well of Songs to seek peace with the Rain Queen and save the land from the terrible drought. The Well is hidden in the mountains across the desert. But he is not the only one with his sight set on the mountains: Argelin, the tyrannical and power-hungry General, follows behind, an ever-present threat, with his heart set on the riches to be found. With only Oblek, Seth and two tomb-thieves known as the Jackal and the Fox for company, the Archon's journey is treacherous and dangerous. They must face the Great Desolation and the monstrous animals outlined on the desert floor, animals with mythical powers, and they must survive without Mirany, bearer-of-the-god and true friend of the Archon, who has had to remain behind to face a threat much closer to home ...


    We are again in the distand land of deserts and islands ruled by one god whose wishes are conveyed through the Oracle. The Archon, child god-on-earth, returns from his journey across the desert to the Well of Songs, to find the tyrannical General Argelin has siezed control and his reign of madness is oppressing the Two Lands.

    svaret ges 18.06.2017 08:08