Redford skildrar "The Sundance Kid" i Butch Cassidy och Sundance Kid , som är en av hans mer kända roller. Filmen kom ut 1969. Han grundade Sundance filmfestival 1978. Namngav han festivalen efter karaktären eller har namnet ett annat ursprung och likheten är en slump?
Ja. Enligt Wikipedia , hette den amerikanska festivalen till:
In 1991 the festival was officially renamed the Sundance Film Festival, after Redford's character The Sundance Kid from the film Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
Time Magazine erbjuder mer information om frågan:
The festival changed titles frequently — from the U.S. Film Festival to the Utah/U.S. Film Festival to the United States Film & Video Festival to the Sundance/United States Film Festival to, finally, Sundance. The last two changes came about after Redford's Sundance Institute took over the festival in 1985. Redford, who owned property in Utah's Wasatch mountains, named the organization after his character in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
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