Jag vet inte mycket om LSA, men reglerna säger att LSA med ett särskilt luftvärdighetscertifikat inte får användas i kommersiell verksamhet (med två undantag).
Det här FAA-dokumentet säger att en LSA-styrning med viktförskjutning kommer att ha en speciellt luftvärdighetsintyg:
A special airworthiness certificate in the light-sport category is issued to an aircraft that meets the definition of light-sport aircraft (LSA), is manufactured to the applicable consensus standards, and is one of the following five classes of the LSA category: airplanes, gliders, powered parachutes, weight-shift-control aircraft (commonly called trikes), and lighter-than-air aircraft (balloons and airships).
Och 14 CFR 91.327 säger:
(a) No person may operate an aircraft that has a special airworthiness certificate in the light-sport category for compensation or hire except—
(1) To tow a glider or an unpowered ultralight vehicle in accordance with §91.309 of this chapter; or
(2) To conduct flight training.