Vad var den första fantasiverden / universum utan riktiga band?


Det verkar finnas en ganska vanlig världsbyggnadsmetod nu när man ställer fantasiverker i fristående universum, helt åtskilda (åtminstone uttryckligen) från vår egen värld, t.ex. En sång av is och eld eller Sanderson Cosmere , etc.

Jag trodde tidigare att den första fantasinställningen att göra detta var kanske Middle Earth, men enligt detta svar: Är Tolkiens medeljord i vårt universum? Det är samma jord som vår, bara med sin historia föreställd annorlunda.

Vad var den första fantasinställningen helt inställd utan något tydligt slips till vårt eget universum / värld? (Inga drömramar, Narnia-garderober, "alternativa" historier eller vad-om framtider eller dolda / avlägsna kungarikor / öar / länder.)

uppsättning TVann 11.09.2018 21:21

9 svar


1884: Flatland: En romantik med många dimensioner , en roman på Edwin Abbott Abbott som "A Square", tillgänglig på Project Gutenberg .

Wikipedia sammanfattning:

The story describes a two-dimensional world occupied by geometric figures, whereof women are simple line-segments, while men are polygons with various numbers of sides. The narrator is a square named A Square, a member of the caste of gentlemen and professionals, who guides the readers through some of the implications of life in two dimensions. The first half of the story goes through the practicalities of existing in a two-dimensional universe as well as a history leading up to the year 1999 on the eve of the 3rd Millennium.

On New Year's Eve, the Square dreams about a visit to a one-dimensional world (Lineland) inhabited by "lustrous points". These points are unable to see the Square as anything other than a set of points on a line. Thus, the Square attempts to convince the realm's monarch of a second dimension; but is unable to do so. In the end, the monarch of Lineland tries to kill A Square rather than tolerate his nonsense any further.

Following this vision, he is himself visited by a three-dimensional sphere named A Sphere. Similar to the "points" in Lineland, the Square is unable to see the sphere as anything other than a circle. The Sphere then levitates up and down through the Flatland, allowing Square to see the circle expand and retract. The Square is not fully convinced until he sees Spaceland (a tridimensional world) for himself. This Sphere visits Flatland at the turn of each millennium to introduce a new apostle to the idea of a third dimension in the hopes of eventually educating the population of Flatland. From the safety of Spaceland, they are able to observe the leaders of Flatland secretly acknowledging the existence of the sphere and prescribing the silencing of anyone found preaching the truth of Spaceland and the third dimension. After this proclamation is made, many witnesses are massacred or imprisoned (according to caste), including A Square's brother, B.

After the Square's mind is opened to new dimensions, he tries to convince the Sphere of the theoretical possibility of the existence of a fourth (and fifth, and sixth ...) spatial dimension; but the Sphere returns his student to Flatland in disgrace.

The Square then has a dream in which the Sphere visits him again, this time to introduce him to Pointland, whereof the point (sole inhabitant, monarch, and universe in one) perceives any communication as a thought originating in his own mind (cf. Solipsism):

"You see," said my Teacher, "how little your words have done. So far as the Monarch understands them at all, he accepts them as his own – for he cannot conceive of any other except himself – and plumes himself upon the variety of Its Thought as an instance of creative Power. Let us leave this god of Pointland to the ignorant fruition of his omnipresence and omniscience: nothing that you or I can do can rescue him from his self-satisfaction."

— the Sphere


Torget känner igen identiteten av okunnigheten hos monarkerna i Pointland och Lineland med sin egen (och sfärens) tidigare okunnighet om förekomst av högre dimensioner. En gång tillbaka till Flatland kan Square inte övertyga någon av Spacelands existens, speciellt efter att officiella förordningar har meddelats att någon som predikerar att det finns tre dimensioner kommer att fängslas (eller avrättas beroende på kaste). Så småningom är torget själv fängslade av just denna anledning, med endast enstaka kontakt med sin bror som är fängslad i samma anläggning. Han lyckas inte övertyga sin bror, trots allt har de båda sett. Sju år efter att ha fängslats, skriver A Square boken Flatland i form av ett memoir, hoppas kunna behålla det som efterlevnad för en framtida generation som kan se bortom sin tvådimensionella existens.

svaret ges 12.09.2018 02:06

Edmund Spencer Fairie Queene , som ligger i en magisk "Fairie Land", publicerades år 1590.

Även om inställningen är en allegorisk representation av England, är det i sitt verkliga fiktion det egna magiska riket.

svaret ges 12.09.2018 09:50

För att få saker påbörjad kommer jag att nominera 1939 novellen "Two Sought Adventure" (senare reviderad som "The Jewels in the Forest" i samlingen Svärd mot döden ) som var den första publicerade berättelsen om Fafhrd och Grey Mouser och ligger i Nehwons fiktiva värld.

Möjlig förmildrande faktor: i 1968 Swords of Lankhmar fastställde att Nehwon är satt i en multiverse, och att vår värld är (åtminstone möjligen) ett av de andra universum. Men det är inte klart för mig om det här var en del av den ursprungliga uppfattningen (1936).

Lite mer spekulativt kommer jag också att nominera 1896 The Tja vid världens slut av William Morris (för att inte förväxlas med senare roman med samma namn, av Neil Gunn, som sattes i Skottland). Wikipedia gör inte inställningen av Morris roman klar, men enligt Amazon den ligger i en mytisk värld. [Det verkar vara tillgängligt på Project Gutenberg, så jag ser om jag kan kolla in det under helgen och uppdatera mitt svar på ett eller annat sätt.]

Wikipedia nämner några andra stora tidiga moderna fantasiverker men ingen av de andra verkar uppfylla dina kriterier.

svaret ges 11.09.2018 21:54

Ett tidigt exempel kan vara Prinsessan och goblinen (1872), av George MacDonald. Det var förmodligen den mest kända engelskspråkiga fantasieromanen för barn innan publikationen av The Hobbit , trots att dess berömmelse har avtagit sig mycket sedan början av 1900-talet. Den är tillgänglig från Project Gutenberg.

Sammanfattningen av sammanfattningen, per Wikipedia :

Eight-year-old Princess Irene lives a lonely life in a castle in a wild, desolate, mountainous kingdom, with only her nursemaid, Lootie, for company. Her father, the king, is normally absent, and her mother is dead. Unknown to her, the nearby mines are inhabited by a race of goblins, long banished from the kingdom and now anxious to take revenge on their human neighbours. One rainy day, the princess explores the castle and discovers a beautiful, mysterious lady, who identifies herself as Irene's namesake and great-great-grandmother. The next day, Princess Irene persuades her nursemaid to take her outside. After dark they are chased by goblins and rescued by the young miner, Curdie, whom Irene befriends. At work with the rest of the miners, Curdie overhears the goblins talking, and their conversation reveals to Curdie the secret weakness of goblin anatomy: they have very soft, vulnerable feet. Curdie sneaks into the Great Hall of the goblin palace to eavesdrop on their general meeting, and hears that the goblins intend to flood the mine if a certain other part of their plan should fail. He later conveys this news to his father. In the palace, Princess Irene injures her hand, which her great-great-grandmother heals. A week later Irene is about to see her great-great-grandmother again, but is frightened by a long-legged cat and escapes up the mountain; whereupon the light from her great-great-grandmother's tower leads her home, where her great-great-grandmother gives Irene a ring attached to a thread invisible except to herself, which thereafter connects her constantly to home.

When Curdie explores the goblins' domain, he is discovered by the goblins and stamps on their feet with great success; but when he tries to stamp on the Queen's feet she is uninjured due to her stone shoes. The goblins imprison Curdie, thinking he will die of starvation; but Irene's magic thread leads her to his rescue, and Curdie steals one of the goblin queen's stone shoes. Irene takes Curdie to see her great-great-grandmother and be introduced; but she is only visible to Irene. Curdie later learns that the goblins are digging a tunnel in the mines towards the king's palace, where they plan to abduct the Princess and marry her to goblin prince Harelip. Curdie warns the palace guards about this, but is imprisoned instead and contracts a fever through a wound in his leg, until Irene's great-great-grandmother heals the wound. Meanwhile, the goblins break through the palace floor and come to abduct the princess; but Curdie escapes from his prison room and stamps on the goblins' feet. Upon the goblins' retreat, Irene is believed a captive; but Curdie follows the magic thread to her refuge at his own house, and restores her to the king. When the goblins flood the mines, the water enters the palace, and Curdie warns the others; but the goblins are drowned. The king asks him to serve as a bodyguard; but Curdie refuses, saying he cannot leave his mother and father, and instead accepts a new red petticoat for his mother, as a reward.

Jag kommer inte ihåg några referenser i boken till någonting om den verkliga världen, även om jag inte har porerat över texten för att försäkra mig om det.

svaret ges 12.09.2018 05:59

"Ett nytt underland, som är det första kontot som någonsin skrivits ut av den vackra dalen och de underbara äventyren för dess invånare" av L. Frank Baum, publicerades 1899 och publicerades 1903 som "The Magical Monarch of Mo". Det första kapitlet börjar med Baum förklara för läsarna vad Mo är och var det ligger:

But I can not find the Valley of Mo in any geography I have examined; so I suspect the men who made these instructive books really know nothing about Mo, else it would surely be on the maps.

Det verkar inte vara några anslutningar till den verkliga världen från det här fejlandet, och Mo är inte kopplad till någon av Baums andra fantasiverden heller.

svaret ges 11.09.2018 23:51

Ett möjligt svar är The Rose and the Ring (1854), av William Makepeace Thackeray ( tillgänglig på Projekt Gutenberg - en annan av de första tusen böckerna på webbplatsen). Liksom Edwin Abbott Abbots Flatland är fantasivärlden i historien så mycket för att möjliggöra historiens element av social satir att berätta en intressant historia.

Vad gör det diskutabelt om detta kvalificerar sig som oberoende av den verkliga jorden är att många av de riktiga namnen i berättelsen bygger på riktiga namn från östra Medelhavet och Nära Östern. Till exempel kallas en av de viktigaste kungarna i berättelsen "Crim Tartary", som uppenbarligen inspirerades av Krim-tatarernas verkliga hemland (en plats som troligen var tänkt på Thackeray och hans läsare på grund av det pågående Krimkriget).

Per Wikipedia :

The plot opens on the royal family of Paflagonia eating breakfast together: King Valoroso, his wife, the Queen, and their daughter, Princess Angelica. Through the course of the meal it is discovered that Prince Bulbo, heir to the neighbouring kingdom of Crim Tartary, and son of King Padella is coming to visit Paflagonia. It is also discovered, after the two females have left the table, that King Valoroso stole his crown, and all his wealth, from his nephew, Prince Giglio, when the prince was an infant.

Prince Giglio and Princess Angelica have been brought up together very closely, Princess Angelica being considered the most beautiful and wisest girl in the kingdom and Giglio being much overlooked in the household. Giglio, besotted with his cousin, has given her a ring belonging to his mother, which, unknown to them, was given to her by the Fairy Blackstick and which held the power to make the wearer beautiful to everyone who beheld them. After an argument with Giglio, about the arrival of the long-awaited Prince Bulbo, Angelica throws the ring out of the window and can be seen for her own, less attractive self.

Prince Bulbo, in his turn, possesses a magic rose, with the same power as the ring and coming from the same source: the Fairy Blackstick. Upon his arrival, this causes Angelica to be madly in love with him.

Angelica's governess, Countess Gruffanuff, finds the magic ring in the garden and, whilst wearing it, convinces Giglio to sign a paper swearing to marry her. She then gives the ring to Angelica's maid, Betsinda, an orphan discovered by the family with a torn cloak in her possession. The maid, however, is actually Rosalba, the only child of the true king of Crim Tartary. When Betsinda wears the ring to take the warming pan around the bedrooms, Princes Bulbo and Giglio immediately fall in love with her, along with King Valoroso. This excites the rage of The Queen, Angelica and Gruffanuff, and causes Betsinda to be driven from the house.

In response to Giglio's rudeness, Valoroso orders him to be executed, but his Captain of the Guards, Count Kutasoff Hedzoff, takes Bulbo to the scaffold instead, where he is reprieved at the last moment by Angelica, who takes his rose, returns to her former beauty and marries him.

Giglio is forced to flee and, with some help from The Fairy Blackstick, disguises himself as a student. In the meantime Rosalba has returned to Crim Tartary and discovered her heritage by means of the torn cloak, which is reunited with its other half to make the words "Princess Rosalba". King Padella, after his offer of marriage is refused, orders Rosalba to be thrown to the lions. Giglio, upon hearing this, takes back his throne in Paflagonia and leads his army to rescue Rosalba, using the captured Bulbo as a hostage.

When Padella refuses the exchange, Giglio decides that he had better keep his word and put Bulbo to death as threatened. However, the lions set upon Rosalba happen to be exactly the same lions which she grew up with in the wild, prior to being found by Princess Angelica, and carry her on their backs to Giglio's camp, where the pair are reunited.

Giglio and Rosalba return to Paflagonia along with Bulbo, now wearing the fairy ring. When they sit down to breakfast on their wedding day, Gruffanuff produces the paper pledging Giglio to herself. Wishing to put him in his place for his earlier arrogance, the Fairy Blackstick refuses to help at first and Giglio is forced to take Gruffanuff to the church in Rosalba's place. However, when they reach the building, The Fairy Blackstick transforms the doorknocker back into Gruffanuff's real husband, long believed dead after being bewitched by the fairy herself many years before. Giglio and Rosalba are then free to marry and do so. The Fairy Blackstick then leaves, never to be heard of again.

svaret ges 12.09.2018 06:13

Jag kan fel, men jag tror att åtminstone de flesta av Dr Seuss berättelser inte refererar till något verkligt land i vår värld och är verkligen en sluten värld med sina egna länder, kungarikor, flora och fauna.

Enligt Dr Seuss 'Bibliografi Wikipedia sida , Bartholomew Cubbins (500) hattar (1938) kunde vara en av hans första berättelser som händer på en fiktiv värld. Och Horton Hatches the Egg (1940) har tecken som visas i senare verk, många av dem delar samma universum.

svaret ges 13.09.2018 00:32

En tidig fantasy-roman som är helt i en imaginär värld är Träet bortom världen (1894) av William Morris, som L. Sprague de Camp beskriver som "kanske den första moderna fantasyförfattaren för att förena en imaginär värld med det övernaturliga elementet, och därmed föregångaren till mycket av dagens fantasielitteratur." Det anses vara ett stort inflytande på Tolkien. Jag minns tydligt det som inte äger rum i den verkliga världen; även den plats där hjälten reser från ("en stor och vacker stad vid havet som var tvungen att namnge Langton på Holm") är icke-jord. Wikipedia sammanfattar diagrammet:

When the wife of Golden Walter betrays him for another man, he leaves home on a trading voyage to avoid the necessity of a feud with her family. However, his efforts are fruitless, as word comes to him en route that his wife's clan has killed his father. As a storm then carries him to a faraway country, the effect of this news is merely to sunder his last ties to his homeland. Walter comes to the castle of an enchantress, from which he rescues a captive maiden in a harrowing adventure (or rather, she rescues him). They flee through a region inhabited by mini-giants, and eventually reach the city of Stark-wall, whose custom, when the throne is vacant, is to take the next foreigner to arrive as ruler. The late king having died, Walter and his new love are hailed as the new monarchs. The two are married and presumably live happily ever after.

Romanen finns gratis på Gutenberg-projektet i olika format.

svaret ges 13.09.2018 10:46

Jag skulle vilja säga namnet franska författaren Charles Perralt i ringen med hans Histoires ou contes du temps passera Tales of Mother Goose , som innehåller originalversioner av moderna sagor som " Little Red Riding Hood ", " Sleeping Beauty " och " Cinderella ".

Les contes contains tales that are well-known, have retained their popularity since publication, and have been repeatedly modified since the late 17th century.2 The volume achieved considerable success with eight reprints in Perrault's lifetime. With Louis XIV's death at the beginning of the 18th century the lifestyle of the précieuse faded, as did the popularity of the literary salons and the fairy tales at the beginning of the Age of Enlightenment. Perrault's tales, however, continued to be sought after with four editions published in that century.

Dessa arbeten berättades av franska bönder redan i 10-talet, och skrivs i en skriftlig form i 1697 efter att Charles Perrault förlorat sitt jobb som sekreterare. Obs! Många av Perraults verk rengördes för novellering från en konversationistisk stil som skrevs tidigare samma år av Marie-Catherine Le Jumel de Barneville , Baroness d'Aulnoy på hennes salong bok Les Contes des Fées , även om dessa skrevs i en mer konversationistisk stil.

Unlike the folk tales of the Grimm Brothers, who were born some 135 years later than d'Aulnoy, she told her stories in a more conversational style, as they might be told in salons.

Att hitta information om sagor som skrivits under denna tid är dock svårt att fastställa. Skillnaden ligger i form av skrivandet, novelleringen är mer framträdande:

The stories written for the 1697 edition were "The Sleeping Beauty", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Bluebeard", "The Master Cat, or Puss in Boots", "Cinderella", "Riquet with the Tuft", "Hop o' My Thumb", "Griselidis" (La Patience de Grisélidis), "The Ridiculous Wishes" (Les Souhaits ridicules), "Donkeyskin" (Peau d'Ane) and "Diamonds and Toads" (Les Fées). Eight were newly written prose stories and three were stories previously written in verse. Each story ended with a rhymed, well-defined and cynical moral Moralitè. Three were published earlier in the literary magazine Mercure galant: "Griselidis" and "Suhait" in 1693, and "Sleeping Beauty" in 1696. Others may have been published in additional literary magazines, however it is unknown whether they appeared in the magazines before the book's publications or whether they were later pirated editions.

svaret ges 13.09.2018 23:33