Även om Memory Alpha anges används för att ange att Amanda Grayson är en medlem av Vulkanrådet, både novellering och filmskrift föreslår starkt att hon faktiskt är närvarande för att stödja sin man i stället för som en medlem av rådet i sig själv.
Deep within the sanctuary as their world crumbled around them, six
sets of hands rested on the katric ark. Vulcan’s single most sacred
object, it purportedly held the katra or soul of the ancient known as
Surak. Together with its contents, the ark represented all that was
good and noble and revered in the humanoid species that called the
desert planet home. Linked together by mind-meld as they sought to
shut out the chaos rising in intensity around them, the six Elders
chanted softly among themselves.
Among them was Amanda Grayson’s husband. Though she could not by
herself join the collective mind-meld, it was important to Sarek that
she was present.
Star Trek : Movie Tie-In Novelization
Spock RACES through the tunnels as the world SHAKES around him -- he
enters the massive ARK CHAMBER -- sees, atop the enormous stairs, FIVE
VULCAN ELDERS, Sarek among them, hands placed on the sarcophagus-like
ark. Mind melding with it. Amanda is here too, kneeling beside
Sarek -- and she sees her son, who is now RUNNING toward them -- she
Star Trek Script