När reste Quark Kira från Dominion?


I ett mycket litet sidoelement av DS9-avsnittet Magnificent Ferengi-episoden , Major Kira < a href="http://www.chakoteya.net/DS9/534.htm"> säger :

Kira: Consider it payback, Quark, for rescuing me from the Dominion.

Memory Alpha länkar meningen till DS9: Angels offer , men jag gör det inte minns Quark som sparar Kira från Dominion, varken i offer of angels eller i någon annan episod.

Kan någon uppdatera mitt minne?

uppsättning trejder 02.09.2016 10:18

1 svar


I Offer of Angels Kira och Leeta, Rom och Jake hölls av Dominion.

Quark (och Tora Ziyal) kom in bär Hasperat Soufflé , hypo-sprayed Cardassian fängelse och dödade de två Jem'Hadarvakterna innan de tog ned kraftfältet.

Detta verkar vara den händelse som hon hänvisar till.

(Quark enters brandishing disrupters. The Jem'Hadar spread out.)

QUARK: All right, no one move!

ROM: Brother! I knew you would come.

QUARK: It's a surprise to me. Now, just keep calm and stay where you are. Understand? Don't move. You, open the holding cells. I said, open the holding cells.

ZIYAL: You just told them not to move.

QUARK: Right. Nobody moves except you. Now open the cells.

(The Jem'Hadar look at each other then tense up. Quark kills them both in total surprise.)

KIRA: Quark.


KIRA: Take down the forcefields.

QUARK: Forcefields?

(Ziyal takes a disrupter from Quark and blasts the control panel.)

KIRA: I'd kiss you, Quark, but there isn't time. We have to find a way to shut down the power to the main computer.

svaret ges 02.09.2016 10:59