Ja, sorts .
I Disney Canon - roman Heir to the Jedi kommer Luke över en Rodian som vet att hennes farbror var en Jedi som dödades av sina klonetroopers under klonkrigen.
"A member of our clan was a Jedi Knight. He was my uncle in fact, and though his devotion to the Order usually kept him far from Rodia, I saw him a few times when I was young. Of course, he was here on Jedi business - and of course, the Jedi do not maintain their family ties - but I was told who he was and even had occassion to meet him once or twice"
Hon leder Luke till den döda Jedi graven, som hon säger att hon nu är den enda familjemedlemmen som fortfarande besöker, och med Lukas hjälp hämtar de döda Jedis lightaber (som begravdes med honom, som familjen inte visste vad mer att göra med det som ingen annan var Force adept) och gåvor Luke vapnet
Som sin döende önskan bad han om att han återvände tillbaka till sin familj:
"Like your father, he was betrayed. He was shot by clone troopers.....he made it into his ship, recorded a brief message about what happened to him with his astromech, and gave it orders to bring him back here....the clan wiped its [the droid's] memory...scuttled his ship and built my uncle a small tomb out in the jungle."
-Har till Jedi: Star Wars, kapitel 2