Vilka tecken i spelet av troner / ASOIAF anges som vänsterhänt?


Naturligtvis har vi Arya, som är skriven och spelad som vänsterhänt.


Finns det några andra tecken i Song of Ice och Fire / Game of Thrones World, som anges som vänsterhänt?

uppsättning Bebs V 05.12.2016 10:30

2 svar


Efter att ha sökt böckerna på "vänstra sidan" hittade jag dessa:

Qhorin Halfhand blev vänsterhänt efter att ha tappat några fingrar i sin högra hand

Det finns ett tecken som heter Vänsterhand Lucas Codd . Jag kan inte hitta varför han kallas det men möjligen för att han är vänsterhänt

svaret ges 05.12.2016 12:37

En sång av is och eld

Arya Stark

Arya took her right hand off the grip and wiped her sweaty palm on her pants. She held the sword in her left hand. He seemed to approve. "The left is good. All is reversed, it will make your enemies more awkward. Now you are standing wrong. Turn your body sideface, yes, so. You are skinny as the shaft of a spear, do you know. That is good too, the target is smaller. Now the grip. Let me see." He moved closer and peered at her hand, prying her fingers apart, rearranging them. "Just so, yes. Do not squeeze it so tight, no, the grip must be deft, delicate."
A Game of Thrones, Arya II

Jaime Lannister

Som du nämner är det Jaime 2.0 snarare än från födseln, men det är tillräckligt nära.

"A sword with no point and no edge. Get behind me!" He saw something half-buried in the sand, and snatched it up with his good hand. It proved to be a human jawbone, with some greenish flesh still clinging to it, crawling with maggots. Charming, he thought, wondering whose face he held. The bear was edging closer, so Jaime whipped his arm around and flung bone, meat, and maggots at the beast's head. He missed by a good yard. I ought to lop my left hand off as well, for all the good it does me.
A Storm of Swords, Jaime VI

Qhorin Halfhand

Liknande Jaime blev han lämnad lämnad senare.

Qhorin drew his longsword. The tale of how he had taught himself to fight with his left hand after losing half of his right was part of his legend; it was said that he handled a blade better now than he ever had before. Jon stood shoulder to shoulder with the big ranger and pulled Longclaw from its sheath. Despite the chill in the air, sweat stung his eyes.
A Clash of Kings, Jon VIII

Jacelyn Bywater

Liknande Jaime förlorade han sin högra hand och så lämnas nu hand.

Slynt spun on his heel like the watchman he'd once been, and strode the length of the Small Hall, boots ringing on the stone. He clattered up the steps, threw open the door . . . and came face-to-face with a tall, lantern-jawed man in black breastplate and gold cloak. Strapped to the stump of his right wrist was an iron hand. "Janos," he said, deep-set eyes glinting under a prominent brow ridge and a shock of salt-and-pepper hair. Six gold cloaks moved quietly into the Small Hall behind him as Janos Slynt backed away.
"Lord Slynt," Tyrion called out, "I believe you know Ser Jacelyn Bywater, our new Commander of the City Watch."
A Clash of Kings, Tyrion II

Lucas Codd

Karaktären brukar kallas Left-Hand Lucas Codd så man antar att han är vänsterhänt. Men följande pekar på att det är något mer med Asha som påpekar sin berömda hand så kanske är han inte.

"I am unwed," announced Left-Hand Lucas Codd.
"And for good reason," Asha said. "All women do despise the Codds as well. Don't look at me so mournful, Lucas. You still have your famous hand." She made a pumping motion with her fist.
A Feast for Crows, The Iron Captain

Vänsterhand Lew

Liknande Lucas Codd nämns inte varför han heter Left Hand Lew men vi kan anta att det beror på att han lämnas över.

"Dywen did. Giant, Dolorous Edd, Sweet Donnel Hill, Ulmer, Left Hand Lew, Garth Greyfeather. Four or five more. Me."
A Storm of Swords, Jon VI

Lannister Guardsman # 5

Efter att Syrio brutit fingrarna på sin högra hand tvingas han använda sin vänstra sida. Han är åtminstone tillfälligt lämnad hand.

Four Lannister guardsmen unsheathed their swords. The fifth, with the broken fingers, spat and pulled free a dagger with his left hand.
A Game of Thrones, Arya IV

Shagga son till Dolf

Ingen uttrycklig omnämning är visad att han lämnas över handen men han kämpar med ett vapen i båda händerna så att han kan vara ambidextrous.

The hedgehog was crumbling, the northerners reeling back under the impact of the mounted assault. Tyrion saw Shagga catch a spearman full in the chest as the fool came on at a run, saw his axe shear through mail and leather and muscle and lungs. The man was dead on his feet, the axehead lodged in his breast, yet Shagga rode on, cleaving a shield in two with his left-hand battle-axe while the corpse was bouncing and stumbling bonelessly along on his right. Finally the dead man slid off. Shagga smashed the two axes together and roared.
A Game of Thrones, Tyrion VIII

Game of Thrones

Arya Stark








svaret ges 10.01.2018 16:05