* Med den senaste 25-årsdagen av showen och kommande åtföljande bok Tidigare på X- Män , har ny information uppkommit. I boken, den främsta designern av introen, Larry Houston, sa att denna karaktär var ett animationsfel som aldrig fixades. Från en artikel på CBR.com :
“But the weirdest question asked about the titles concerns the little green man with the big bald head. Who is he? Fan sites have hazarded guesses. I thought I just didn’t know the books well enough. But Larry [Houston – the designer of the credits] recently told me (after a fan asked) that the bald guy was a mistake by AKOM (the animation studio) that they wouldn’t fix. He isn’t anybody! Who he may have been meant to be has long been forgotten. He’s just another example of a flaw caused by lack of time and money, but one that seems to have been forgiven by the fans.