Vi har faktiskt en snabb backstory i Ocean Eleven när Linus fångas av Danny efter att ha plockat någons ficka.
Hello, Linus. Whose is this?
Who are you?
A friend of Bobby Caldwell's.
You're either in or out. Right now.
What is it?
It's a plane ticket. A job offer.
You're pretty trusting.
Bobby has faith in you.
Fathers are like that.
He didn't tell you? He doesn't want me trading on his name.
Do this job, he'll be trading on yours. Don't, and you can go back to feeling up stockbrokers.
Can you get the check, please?
That's the best lift you've made yet.
Vi går fram emot denna konversation, Linus pappa är Bobby Caldwell, som också är en kon. Hans mor är mycket sannolikt en också.
Det finns en annan konversation mellan Reuben och Linus där den senare kallas "Bobby Caldwells barn".