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Letar du efter objekt 15k eller mindre som skyddar ett tecken från bedövning.

uppsättning Critical Crafting 07.02.2018 00:06

1 svar


Din bästa resurs för den här typen av saker kommer alltid att vara Ernis listor med nödvändiga magiska artiklar , vars författare går om @Ernir här.

En av de listor han nämner är för Stun negation, för

Why you need it: Stun is one of those conditions that makes you unable to act. Which means that when you're stunned, your character is a sitting duck, and you're sitting at the table counting cheetos.

Alla hans inlägg för detta fall inom din prisgräns:

  • Third Eye Clarity (MIC). 3000GP, face slot. Once per day, negate the Stun as an immediate action. Can negate other nasty stuff too. Great pick.

  • Talisman of Undying Fortitude (MIC). 8000GP, held. Swift action activation, gives you lots of undead immunities for 3 rounds, including stun.

  • Banner of the Storm's Eye (MIC). 15000GP, held or shoulders slot. Negates stunning and other nasty stuff for you and your allies. Top pick.

  • Wakeful Mind graft (FoE). 14000GP, slotless. Other minor benefits, including no longer needing to sleep. Also makes you slightly less healthy and less knowledgeable, but that's the price you pay for having robot components embedded in your head.

svaret ges 07.02.2018 00:56