Do producentkrediter kräver nu "pga" efter deras namn?


Under slutkrediterna för Star Trek Beyond hade alla producenter sina namn följt av "p.g.a". Detta står tydligen för producentens Guild of America-certifiering.

Är de obligatoriska för att lägga till detta till slutet av namnen nu när någon krediteras specifikt som producent? Krävs, det vill säga av PGA, som en del av ett kontrakt eller andra Hollywoodregler?

Eller var detta bara något som en del av Beyond ? s produktion?

Kanske har det redan funnits i filmer, och jag märkte bara inte. När det startade skulle det vara till hjälp, om det varit länge innan Beyond .

uppsättning Napoleon Wilson 22.07.2016 14:20

1 svar


Denna artikel på Wrap - från den 10 september 2013 - förklarar:

Determined to get proper recognition for producers that actually do the work, the Producers Guild of America has been lobbying for better movie credits for years. It spent years trying to sell the idea to an industry in which movie credits were too often currency to be bought, bartered and corrupted by anybody with the clout to do so.

This summer, the last major studio holdouts agreed to the so-called “Producers Mark,” putting an end to the PGA’s decades-long battle for respect. Sixty-plus movies have since become certified with the Producers Mark; in those films’ credits, “p.g.a.” follows the names of the producers judged by the guild to have truly earned the credit on a film.


Yet it has not been able to reduce the number of producer credits on movies like “Lee Daniels‘ The Butler,” which bears 41 different producer credits, much to the guild’s chagrin. The Producers Mark only deals with producers claiming the “Produced by” credit, which is why the 36 associate producers, executive producers and co-producers on “The Butler” went unchallenged.

If that film is nominated, it will go through the vetting process to determine which of the five individuals given a “Produced by” credit will receive the official “p.g.a.” producer’s mark and become eligible for awards.

svaret ges 22.07.2016 15:38