In The Great Showman, är alla "freaks" representanter för faktiska biologiska variationer?


I The Great Showman , P.T. Barnum anställer många människor med "biologiska rariteter", inklusive:

  • en kvinna med ett skägg
  • en person med långt hår som täcker hela hans / hennes ansikte
  • en albino kvinna
  • conjoined tvillingar

Jag märkte också en man med korta horn på toppen av pannan, som jag aldrig sett tidigare. Det ledde mig till att undra: Var några av de biologiska förhållandena fiktiva och bara skapade för filmen?

uppsättning BrettFromLA 04.01.2018 19:32

1 svar


Det här är alla verkliga förhållanden

a woman with a beard

Per Wikipedia

A relatively small number of women are able to grow enough facial hair to have a distinct beard. In some cases, female beard growth is the result of a hormonal imbalance (usually androgen excess), or a rare genetic disorder known as hypertrichosis.

There are numerous references to bearded women throughout the centuries, and Shakespeare also mentioned them in Macbeth:

Observera dock att ...

Notable exceptions were the famous bearded women of the circus sideshows of the 19th and early 20th centuries, such as Barnum's Josephine Clofullia and Ringling Bros.' Jane Barnell, whose anomalies were celebrated. Sometimes circus and carnival freak shows presented bearded ladies who were actually women with facial wigs or bearded men dressed as women

a person with long hair covering all of his/her face

Återigen relaterad till Hypertrichosis

Several circus sideshow performers in the 19th and early 20th centuries, such as Julia Pastrana, had hypertrichosis. Many of them worked as freaks and were promoted as having distinct human and animal traits.

Det finns kända exempel på "Wolf People" ... som

Danny Ramos Gomez, who has been dubbed the 'wolfman', has a condition called hypertrichosis, which causes his body to produce extra hair, especially on his hair and ches


an albino woman

Enkänd,inteovanlig sjukdomstillstånd .

Albinism in humans is a congenital disorder characterized by the complete or partial absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes. Albinism is associated with a number of vision defects, such as photophobia, nystagmus, and amblyopia. Lack of skin pigmentation makes for more susceptibility to sunburn and skin cancers.

conjoined twins

Återigen, relativt sällsynt men inte okänd ...

Conjoined twins are identical twins joined in utero. An extremely rare phenomenon, the occurrence is estimated to range from 1 in 49,000 births to 1 in 189,000 births

The most famous pair of conjoined twins was Chang and Eng Bunker (Thai: อิน-จัน, In-Chan) (1811–1874), Thai brothers born in Siam, now Thailand. They traveled with P.T. Barnum's circus for many years and were labeled as the Siamese twins. Chang and Eng were joined at the torso by a band of flesh, cartilage, and their fused livers. In modern times, they could have been easily separated. Due to the brothers' fame and the rarity of the condition, the term "Siamese twins" came to be used as a synonym for conjoined twins.

I also noticed a man with short horns at the top of his forehead

Och en annan vinnare ... Jag bekänner att jag hade min tvivel men det här är faktiskt en sak som heter ...

Cutaneous horns, also known by the Latin name cornu cutaneum, are unusual keratinous skin tumors with the appearance of horns, or sometimes of wood or coral. Formally, this is a clinical diagnosis for a "conical projection above the surface of the skin." They are usually small and localized, but can, in very rare cases be much larger.

Med detta sagt, extrema sällsyntheten i detta tillstånd gör det troligt att något cirkusfreak faktiskt skulle ha varit en falsk.

svaret ges 04.01.2018 21:04