Varför blev Red John-berättelsen bågen färdig när den var?


Röda John var den största skurken kring vilken tv-servern The Mentalist revolverade i fem och en halv årstider. Jag väntade mig att det skulle gå vidare till slutet av showen, eller åtminstone till slutet av en säsong, vilket är hur TV-serier brukar handla med den här typen av historiabågar.

Finns det några specifika in-eller ut-show-universer varför var detta löst mitt under säsongen följt av den stora förändringen av inställningen (FBI i Austin, TX, i stället för CBI i Sacramento, CA) och förändringar i gjutning (Wayne Rigsby och Grace Van Pelt ersätts av Dennis Abbott och Kim Fischer)?

Det känns nästan som om de förväntade sig att showen skulle avbrytas då, men jag kunde inte hitta någon information om det som var fallet eller av någon annan anledning.

uppsättning Vedran Šego 05.03.2017 00:59

1 svar


Här är några svar från en intervju med Bruno Heller , skapare av showen

  • Why was now the right time to have the confrontation between Patrick Jane and Red John?

HELLER: Very early on in the first season, there were people saying, “Are you going to find Red John at the end of the first year or second year?” It’s a question that people have been asking, and we have been asking ourselves in the writers’ room, from very early on. There was no functional, formal protocol moment, where we said, “Okay, when this happens, we will set about closing off that chapter.” It’s like a marriage, or any kind of partnership. How long is Red John driving the story forward, and at what point does it become an anchor? It just seemed like this was the right time. Ultimately, that’s a subjective choice. It just seemed like, from a storytelling point of view and from the audience’s point of view, it was time to move the story forward. The best way to move the story, in a way that would be exciting to the audience, was to move it forward much faster than they thought we were going to move it. The natural thing to do would be to work it to the end of a season, but then all of those plot points become much more predictable and pro forma. This way, you get a bit of the surprise and the unpredictability of the real events happening. So, that was the thinking there.

  • How concerned are you about whether The Mentalist can live without Red John?

HELLER: I’m not really concerned. If it can’t, then that’s what happens. It felt very much to all of us like that chapter of the story was done. Frankly, I think the great asset and value of the show is in Baker’s head and what he does. Red John never even physically appeared, as a character, until the last episode. He was a feeling in the show and an objective, but in terms of the moment by moment pleasures of the show, those are delivered by Simon Baker and his people, not by Red John. So, I don’t know, but I don’t mind. I think it’s gonna be a great show after Red John. It’s up to the audience to decide, if they like it or not.

svaret ges 05.03.2017 01:38