How visste Magneto Mystique injicera metallen i Laurios kropp?


I X2 kände Magneto järnet i förmyndaren Laurios blod, som injicerades av Mystique och använde det för att fly från plastfängelset. Det är normalt att han kände det, eftersom han är bra ... Magneto. Men hur vet han att det var Mystique som injicerade järnet, eller hur hon injicerade det.

Mr. Laurio, never trust a beautiful woman, especially ones that are interested in you.

uppsättning SarpSTA 09.01.2016 20:31

2 svar


Även om det inte gjordes ganska så uppenbart i filmen, kom Laurio in i scanningskammaren (och sedan cellen) i en hant dumt leende på hans ansikte och en swagger i hans steg . Alla runt honom lägger 1 + 1 tillsammans och omedelbart fläckar som han hade tur i natt.

Eftersom han har massiva mängder kolloidalt järn i hans blodomlopp förstår Eric vad som faktiskt hände med Laurio natten innan; En kvinna sov med honom och sedan (utan tvekan) injicerade honom med metall. Det är inte svårt att utse vem den kvinnan kan vara.

I filmen ändrade de händelsens händelse något, med att Magneto somnade tills Laurio kom in i kammaren och fick honom att vakna genom att upptäcka metallen. Trots att de hade ändrat arrangemanget fortsatte de uppenbarligen fortfarande om att inte lita på en vacker kvinna, för det är en bra linje och det är generellt bra råd.

Från filmens skript

INT. PLASTIC PRISON - SECURITY CHECKPOINT - DAY TWO GUARDS stand in the room by the door to the catwalk. LAURIO enters carrying a tray of food.

GUARD 1: What's that on your face, Mitch?

LAURIO: Sa-tisfaction.

The Guard grimaces at the thought of it, and opens the door.

GUARD 1: You're clear.


Magneto angrily paces back and forth -- thinking about Charles. He stops and looks at Laurio... curiously.

LAURIO (O.S.): Have a nice sleep, Lensherr?

Laurio enters and puts the food on a table. His smile becomes a scowl when he sees Magneto staring at him.

MAGNETO: There's something different about you,

I filmens novellering valde de en mellanklass, med att Magneto upptäckte leendet på Laurios ansikte när han kom vaken :

Mitchell Laurio was whistling as he came on shift. He couldn’t remember many of the details of what had happened in the ladies’ can, but he’d never felt better in his life than he had after it was done. Just the memory of Grace’s farewell kisses was enough to stir his blood and put a spring in his step, and the fact that she’d left a whispered promise to meet him again tonight made him wish as he never had before for the day to end.

The guard at the final checkpoint was the latest to offer comment: “Mitchell Laurio, what is that on your face, man?

“Sa-tis- fac-tion!”


Eric Lehnsherr was asleep until Laurio stepped over the threshold. Then, just like that, he came completely awake with a rush he hadn’t felt since his capture.

“Sweet dreams, Lehnsherr?” asked Laurio, his mockery plain. Just because he’d had the best night of his life didn’t mean he was going to pass on the morning beating. The one gave him just as much pleasure as the other.

Laurio set the tray on the table. Lehnsherr hadn’t moved, beyond sitting up on the bed. There was something different about his expression, though, like there was a big joke being played here that only he was privy to. But at the same time, there was a predatory cast to his eyes that made Laurio suddenly wish the internal monitors were active and that he were somewhere else.

As was usual for him when he felt ill at ease or threatened, Laurio got aggressive. This time, he decided, he wasn’t going to stop until the old man begged him.

“There’s something different about you, Mr. Laurio,” Lehnsherr said with a slight question to his voice, as if he couldn’t quite credit what he saw.

svaret ges 09.01.2016 21:46

Jag är säker på att Magneto kan känna magnetiserbar metall på samma sätt som fåglar kan, något. Det är en 6: e känsla som uppvisas hos många djur.

Den heter Magnetoreception . länk

svaret ges 21.05.2016 10:07