Vad orsakar porträtt av trollkarlar att verka interaktivt?


Har J.K. Rowling tar reda på hur interaktiva porträtt fungerar? Skulle ett porträtt målade efter att en trollkarl eller häxa blivit interaktiv, eller måste porträttens målning ske under Wizard / Witches livstid?

uppsättning Major Stackings 10.03.2012 23:12

3 svar


Det finns ingen information om att behöva vara levande / död när det gäller att måla tid, men talan / interaktionsdelen måste vara så snart guiden är död.

Det kritiska behovet är att porträttet ska vara närvarande där trollkarlen spenderar mycket tid och lämnat ett "avtryck". Med min fastighetsmäklers ord, "plats, plats, plats".

Det är med andra ord inte porträttet som pratar, det är porträttet som en ledning för resterna av trollkarlens avtryck ... en porträtt Ouija ombord om du vill.

Från JK Rowling på Edinburgh Book Festival , söndag, augusti 15, 2004

Q: All the paintings we have seen at Hogwarts are of dead people. They seem to be living through their portraits. How is this so? If there was a painting of Harry’s parents, would he be able to obtain advice from them?

JKR: ... They are all of dead people; they are not as fully realised as ghosts, as you have probably noticed. The place where you see them really talk is in Dumbledore’s office, primarily; the idea is that the previous headmasters and headmistresses leave behind a faint imprint of themselves. They leave their aura, almost, in the office and they can give some counsel to the present occupant, but it is not like being a ghost. They repeat catchphrases, almost. The portrait of Sirius’ mother is not a very 3D personality; she is not very fully realised. She repeats catchphrases that she had when she was alive. If Harry had a portrait of his parents it would not help him a great deal. ...

svaret ges 11.03.2012 03:50

Här är uppdaterad information om Potraits från pottermore

Hogwarts portraits are able to talk and move around from picture to picture. They behave like their subjects. However, the degree to which they can interact with the people looking at them depends not on the skill of the painter, but on the power of the witch or wizard painted.

When a magical portrait is taken, the witch or wizard artist will naturally use enchantments to ensure that the painting will be able to move in the usual way. The portrait will be able to use some of the subject’s favourite phrases and imitate their general demeanour. Thus, Sir Cadogan’s portrait is forever challenging people to a fight, falling off its horse and behaving in a fairly unbalanced way, which is how the subject appeared to the poor wizard who had to paint him, while the portrait of the Fat Lady continues to indulge her love of good food, drink and tip-top security long after her living model passed away.

However, neither of these portraits would be capable of having a particularly in-depth discussion about more complex aspects of their lives: they are literally and metaphorically two-dimensional. They are only representations of the living subjects as seen by the artist.

Some magical portraits are capable of considerably more interaction with the living world. Traditionally, a headmaster or headmistress is painted before their death. Once the portrait is completed, the headmaster or headmistress in question keeps it under lock and key, regularly visiting it in its cupboard (if so desired) to teach it to act and behave exactly like themselves, and imparting all kinds of useful memories and pieces of knowledge that may then be shared through the centuries with their successors in office.

The depth of knowledge and insight contained in some of the headmasters’ and headmistresses’ portraits is unknown to any but the incumbents of the office and the few students who have realised, over the centuries, that the portraits’ apparent sleepiness when visitors arrive in the office is not necessarily genuine.

svaret ges 31.01.2016 01:01

Jo, det är inte den mest tillförlitliga källan (det är andrahand, och eventuellt någon röra sig med honom), men i CoS säger Colin Creevey:

“and a boy in my dormitory said if I develop the film in the right potion, the pictures’ll move.”

som föreslår, åtminstone för foton, att det handlar om efterbehandling, snarare än något specifikt om ämnet.

Jag har ingen kanon bevis, men jag skulle gissa att en specifik dryck som används i färgen möjliggör den effekt du vanligtvis ser med målningar. Det är möjligt att en stavning skulle kunna kastas efter att ha skapat en, men något som används som en del av den kreativa processen verkar mer förenlig med JKRs stil.

svaret ges 11.03.2012 01:42