Medan jag inte har sett Bojack Ryttare än, är du definitivt förvirrande saker här.
Hitlers olympiska lekar (1936) höll i Berlin, inte München.
De olympiska spelen i München hölls 1972.
Med tanke på att nämna [Steven] Spielberg refererar det uppenbarligen till hans film München .
Medan jag letade efter ett fullständigt / direkt citat hittade jag en tråd på Reddit om samma fråga .
Men först citatet:
Closure is a made up thing by Steven Spielberg to sell movie tickets. It, like true love and the Munich Olympics, doesn't exist in the real world. The only thing to do now is just to keep living forward.
Även en av kommentarerna svarar förmodligen din fråga så långt som möjligt , så Jag ska bara citera det här istället för att försöka omformulera det själv:
I can't comment on what the Bojack crew was thinking, but I think it's pretty clear Bojack was talking about the film "Munich" - not the Munich Olympics themselves.
The film "Munich" was a pack of sensationalized made for Hollywood drama, while the Munich games themselves were obviously real.
Bojack wasn't denying the existence of the Munich Olympics as an actual historical event, just Steven Spielberg's dramatization of those events in "Munich."
But on another level, Bojack and his hero Secretariat constantly talk about running forward and ignoring the past, which doesn't exist anymore. On some level, Bojack may also be commenting on the fact that the past is the past and nothing is real except the present.