Varför ser Spider-Man inte ut som en vuxen i Captain America: Inbördeskriget?


Jag förstår inte varför Spider-Man inte ser ut som en vuxen i Captain America: Inbördeskriget?

Är det något att göra med Marvel tidslinjen eller vad?

uppsättning user52112 05.06.2017 05:54

1 svar


Is it something to do with timeline or what?

Nej, det verkar göra något med regissörens val.

Direktören för civila krig, Joe Russo , ville ha någon som är mer äkta för gjutningen. Han är en high school superhero, vilket gör honom annorlunda än andra tecken i Marvel Universe. Därför ville de kasta någon som är nära högskolans ålder.

Här är ett utdrag av intervjun av honom (betona min).

"We took a very personal approach to the character," explained Joe Russo. "He was my favorite character growing up, so the opportunity to bring Spider-Man to the screen is a dream come true. It's something that I spent a lot of time thinking about as a kid. We had thought back to the things that excited us about him as a character when we were younger, and one of the most important components of that was that he's a high schooler burdened with incredible powers and responsibility. That really differentiates him from every other character in the Marvel universe as opposed to other superheroes.

For us, it was extremely important that we cast somebody very close to the age of a high school student. The previous films had adults playing a high schooler. We wanted more of an authenticity to the casting. We were very specific about that. We wanted an energy and charisma from the character, an energy, but also an insecurity that would make him fun to watch in contrast to the confident superheroes.

svaret ges 05.06.2017 07:02