When a character dies and comes back to life a level lower, are there any guidelines as to which level he must lose? Does it have to be the last level he gained? When he gains a level again later, can he choose a different class than he did originally? What about a 1st-level character (who instead loses a point of Constitution)? Can he begin with a new class completely?
The rules are silent on this issue, but it seems most logical if the character loses the class level he gained most recently. The same is true of any feats, skill ranks, or ability score adjustments gained due to the now-lost level. The character is under no obligation to make the same selection(s) when he next gains a level with XP.
A character who regains a lost level from restoration or a similar effect must regain the same class level (and other abilities) that he lost. In other words, you can’t use level drain and restoration to rebuild your character. A 1st-level character doesn’t lose a class level, so he can’t change his existing class level. (114)
Och FAQ är korrekt att reglerna för Nivåförlust ( Dungeon Master's Guide 296) verkligen är tyst om denna fråga. Så medan den författaren ser sitt svar som den logiska ståndpunkten att ta, kan en individuell DM göra någon dom om det han vill ha baserat på vad han vill. Observera också att vissa tar problem med vanliga frågor generellt.
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