Vad heter detta ukrainska bröd?


Som en del av en välkomnande ceremoni åt vicepresident Joe Biden åt en viss typ av bröd i en salt- och brödceremoni som ägde rum av de mycket gästvänliga ukrainarna i juli 2009. Det var inte din dagliga bröd bröd men- det var mycket utarbetat.

Vad heter brödet?

uppsättning Jeremy H 11.12.2015 02:58

1 svar


Enligt den här webbplatsen är det ett bröd som heter "< em> korovai ":

Korovai. A traditional braided wedding bread baked from wheat flour embellished with little dough flags and figurines (sun, moon, birds, animals, etc). Its origin is ancient, and it is a relic of the pagan belief in the magical properties of grain. Women prepared it while singing traditional wedding songs at the new home of the couple about to be married. The bride and groom were blessed with it before their marriage ceremony. At the wedding the korovai was kept in a prominent place, and the bride was greeted with it when she arrived at her new home. After the nuptials, the best man served it to all the guests; some scholars consider this ritual a manifestation of collective communion.

Det är möjligt att namnet och receptet är regionalt ... som den här sidan säger att det inte är bröllopsbröd utan en variation av påskbröd som heter" Paska ", som liknar Challah.

The Greeting Bread is basically the same recipe as the Easter Paska Bread, except that it has an indentation in the middle, for a small container of salt, accompanied by wine, which is used by the parents to greet the newlyweds, as they enter the reception hall. The parents, and the bride and groom, partake of the Greeting Bread dipped in salt, which symbolizes the bitter moments of life, followed by a sip of wine, which symbolizes the sweet moments in their married life. This also is a time when both families unite as one, and welcome the newlywed and their families into their family circle.

den här webbplatsen verkar det vara överens om att korovai är korrekt, eftersom paska inte liknar den bild du alls har inkluderat.

Ukrainian braided bread. This main ritual wedding bread has a circular form and is decorated intricately with birds, periwinkles, other ornaments made of dough. Ukrainian wedding bread is made of special dough similar to dough used for babka. Some other types of sweet bread can be used during wedding ceremony in addition to korovai — lezhen, dyven, shyshky.

svaret ges 11.12.2015 03:22