Den korta berättelsen om självmedvetna apparater som knyts samman och orsakar kaos?


Det här är en historia om "Internet av saker som har gått fel".

Om jag minns rätt bestämmer huvudpersonens flickvän att hon hellre skulle vara med en boll av apparater än mannen, som har försökt och misslyckats med att hålla sakerna från att koppla upp ... om jag har rätt så är berättelsen slutar.

Kanske Cory Doctorow?

uppsättning RobertLeachman 03.11.2016 10:45

1 svar


Detta är " ... och skålen borta med skedet " av Paul Di Filippo, som ursprungligen publicerades 2003.

The information was embedded in an Aeron chair mated with several other objects: a Cuisinart, an autonomous vacuum cleaner with numerous interchangeable attachments, an iPod, and a diagnostic and therapeutic home medical tool known as a LifeQuilt. As rivals go, this spontaneous assemblage—or "bleb," as most people called such random accretions of intelligent appliances and artifacts, after the biological term for an extrusion of anomalous cells—wasn't particularly handsome. Rather clunky looking, in fact. But apparently, it had been devoted to Cody from the day it was born, and I guess women appreciate such attention. I have to confess that I had been ignoring Cody shamefully during the period when the Aeron bleb must've been forming and beginning to court her, and so I have no one to blame for the threat of losing her but myself. Still, it hurt. I mean, could I really come in second to a bleb? That would truly reek.

Du kan läsa hela historien online här

svaret ges 03.11.2016 10:49