Are "Matrix-serien" och "Ghost i skalet: Standalone Complex" baserat på "Simulacra and Simulation"?


Fristående komplex bygger på idén att:

The Stand Alone Complex is a philosophical construct; A copy of something that does not exist, or to make it clear, a copy that does exist but the thing it copies (The Original) does not exist.

och vi har också den i matrisen.

Men om vi tittar närmare på 3: e stadierna av sign-order i "Simulacra and Simulation", får vi samma idé och samma plotinställning.

The third stage masks the absence of a profound reality, where the simulacrum pretends to be a faithful copy, but it is a copy with no original. Signs and images claim to represent something real, but no representation is taking place and arbitrary images are merely suggested as things which they have no relationship to. Baudrillard calls this the "order of sorcery", a regime of semantic algebra where all human meaning is conjured artificially to appear as a reference to the (increasingly) hermetic truth.

Kan vi säga att båda serierna använder den här ideen?

uppsättning DSaad 18.06.2015 03:07

2 svar


Jag kan inte prata med Ghost i Shell , men det är extremt troligt att The Matrix , åtminstone påverkades av "Simulacra and Simulation"; filmen är mycket nära associerad med den boken:

  • En kopia av boken ger ett kort utseende i den första filmen i serien, som den uthuggade behållaren där Neo håller sina hackade program:

  • En utkastet till manuset från 1996 uppmanar uttryckligen Baudrillard-ögonblick innan han citerar från sin bok:

    Morpheus: This is the Chicago you know. Chicago as it was at the end of the twentieth century. This Chicago exists only as part of a neural-interactive simulation that we call the Matrix.

    We GLIDE AT the television as he changes the channel.

    Morhpeus: You have been living inside Baulliaurd's [sic] vision, inside the map, not the territory. This is Chicago as it exists today.

    The sky is an endless sea of black and green bile. The earth, scorched and split like burnt flesh, spreads out beneath us as we ENTER the television.

    Morpheus: 'The desert of the real.'

    Och från 1998 fotograferingsskript (PDF-länk) har vi två shout-outs:

  • Bilden från min första punktpunkt:

    [Neo] closes the door. On the floor near his bed is a book Baudrillard's Simulacra and Simulations. The book has been hollowed out and inside are several computer disks.

  • En annan version av scenen citerad ovan:

    Morpheus: This is the world you know. The world as it was at the end of the Twentieth Century. It exists now only as part of a neural-interactive simulation that we call the Matrix.

    He changes the channel and we see a very different city as we enter the television.

    Morpheus: You have been living inside a dreamworld, Neo. As in Baudrillard's vision, your whole life has been spent inside the map, not the territory. This is the world as it exists today.

    In the distance, we see the ruins of a future city protruding from the wasteland like the blackened ribs of a long-dead corpse.

    Morpheus: 'The desert of the real.'

  • Många källor hävdar att det var nödvändigt att läsa på-set;

  • En artikel från 2003 i < em> New York Times :

    This is why Mr. Baudrillard's book "Simulacra and Simulation" is so closely associated with [The Matrix] (some cast members were asked to read the book, which Morpheus, the rebel leader, also quotes).

  • 2007 artikel från Inside Higher Ed (betona min):

    A segment on National Public Radio included a short clip from [The Matrix] soundtrack in which Lawrence Fishburn’s character Morpheus intones the Baudrillard catchphrase, “Welcome to the desert of the real.” The cover of Simulacra and Simulation -- in some ways his quintessential theoretical text, first published in a complete English translation by the University of Michigan in 1994 -- is shown in the first film. Furthermore, the Wachowski brothers, who wrote and directed the trilogy, made the book required reading for all the actors, including Keanu Reeves.

  • En utated intervju ( klipp på YouTube från 2010 ) med Keanu Reeves:



    Reeves: [...] said "Okay, we'd like you to play Thomas Anderson; Neo." I had to read Baudrillard; I had to read "Out of Control", which is about systems evolution, robots; and then there was another book which was... "Evolutionary Psychology". Those were three books that they wanted me to read before I even opened up the script.

  • En 2000 intervju med < em> Rolling Stone :

    The film's directors, Larry and Andy Wachowski, said they were looking for a maniac who would do what they needed: "And," Larry said, "Keanu was our maniac." They gave him some books to read: The Moral Animal, about evolutionary psychology; Simulacra and Simulation, by Jean Baudrillard ("Oh, it's fun! It's fun!" says Reeves); and Kevin Kelly's Out of Control, a book about machines and social systems. "They just said, 'Go read, go read, go see what it does,'" says Reeves. "I think they gave me the phenomenal world, the internal words and the simulations that occurred in that."

svaret ges 18.06.2015 03:25

Ghost i Shell är inte bara baserad på Simulacra och Simulation men också ett antal andra Filosofiska verk och idéer, särskilt Jacques Derridas koncept om iterbarhet. "För Derrida betyder iterabilitet inte bara upprepning som i" reiteration ", utan varje iteration är en förändring eller en modifiering av densamma. Samtidigt beror iterationen på en minimal återstod och illusion av en identitet av samma så att repetition kan erkännas i första hand. Iteration introducerar nya sammanhang och variation i samma konstitution. " Med det sagt, notera den tvetydiga figuren hos den Skratta mannen som visas i hela serien illustrerar aporia-presenten i alla utförande handlingar. Den skratta mannen, en singulär figur kan tillskrivas genom iterabilitetsprocessen och uppnå en memetisk status utöver ägande av originalet - förutsatt att det är korrekt att tala om ett original alls.

Se: länk

svaret ges 22.09.2015 19:05