Vem eller vad är den stora intelligensen?


I chatten frågan kom upp som den stora intelligensen är. Som det visar sig finns en djup koppling mellan Dr. Who och Cthulhu mythos. För att bevara den konversationen och eventuellt expandera på svaret, upprepar jag Slytherincess fråga här:

Vem eller vad är den stora intelligensen?

uppsättning SQB 01.04.2014 16:00

2 svar


Den stora intelligensen är en medlem av en ras av varelser, som kallas Great Oldes , som existerade i Universum före vår egen. Det är ursprungligen känt som Yog-Sothoth, och de rymde förstörelsen av sitt eget universum genom att gå till ett parallellt universum som slutade en sekund efter deras, och sedan skiftades en gång till i vårt nya universum. Det hade ingen fysisk form i vårt universum en tid och beskrivs ursprungligen som ett moln.

Den stora intelligensen - Tardis Data Core

Originating from the universe before this one, Yog-Sothoth and his brethren survived the end of their universe by passing through a parallel universe/dimension that ended one second after theirs. Shifting again allowed them to enter the current universe shortly after it began expanding. (PROSE: All-Consuming Fire, Millennial Rites) Like the other Great Old Ones, it may have lost its body when it ran from the Fendahl. (PROSE: White Darkness) The Intelligence constantly sought physical existence to replace being a shapeless, formless cloud hanging in space. (TV: The Web of Fear)

Det tog några former under åren ...

En pyramid av kontroller i Homevid Downtime och The Abominable Snowmen ..

When not using a living being, it maintained a basic manifestation as a three-sided pyramid composed of control spheres (TV: The Abominable Snowmen) or ivory. (HOMEVID: Downtime)


Efter att ha fått tillräckligt med mental energi och utfodring ett tag efter Bells of Saint John bildade han sin egen kropp via värd av varelser som kallas Whisper Men även om det inte var fullständigt fysisk manifestation.

The Whisper Men could morph into the appearance of Walter Simeon at will, and much like the human embodiment of the Great Intelligence, seemed to be hollow on the inside, or unreal. They moved slowly, and lacked features, except for extremely white faces with blackened skin around their mouths and sharp teeth. They had angular faces with vague depressions where eyes should be, and exaggerated chins and cheeks. They wore the same Victorian garb as the Great Intelligence's form as Walter Simeon. (TV: The Name of the Doctor)

svaret ges 01.04.2014 19:56

Enligt TARDIS wikia på Great Intelligence :

The Great Intelligence, which usually referred to itself simply as the Intelligence and was originally known as Yog-Sothoth, was a disembodied sentience who attempted to find a body and physical existence.


The Great Intelligence's exact nature was a mystery. The Second Doctor thought the best way to describe it was as a "formless, shapeless thing, floating out in space like a cloud of mist, only with a mind and will." (TV: The Web of Fear). Both Lethbridge-Stewart and the Eleventh Doctor identified it as a mind parasite, whereas the Intelligence considered itself a mass of thoughts with a single thought.

(betona min)

svaret ges 01.04.2014 19:09