Vad är problemet med denna Mary Jane-monolog?


Jag har letat efter den exklusiva Mary Jane-monologen från Spider-Man (om det finns en), för en väns manus. Något välskrivet, stämningsfullt för MJs karaktär och längre än "du slog bara jackpotten."

Någon på en annan sida föreslog talet nedan, men de sa inte var det kom ifrån. Vet någon frågan där detta tal händer?

"You're not going to kill me Kaine... you won't even hurt me. You can't. Not if all you've told me is true. If you are a clone of Peter Parker's... then deep down, you're as good as he is. Being a clone doesn't make you... or my husband... any less of a man. You're alive! Where and how you were born into this world just doesn't matter. Peter... has always done the right thing... has defined himself by his actions.. not by whether he was born or cloned. He has lived a valuable life for the past five years I've known him. And now I'm carrying his child... I'm not going to let him throw away the life we've shared together. Peter is a person... and so are you! Prove yourself, Kaine! By your actions! Don't let Ben be killed! Don't let the Jackal kill anymore! Do what Peter would do! So the right thing. You have the Power... now accept the responsibility"

uppsättning Nerrolken 12.06.2014 21:52

2 svar


Denna monolog kommer från Spider-Man V1 # 61 (ursprungligen titeln "Peter Parker - Spider Man: A Thousand Clones ).

Som du kan se från panelen nedan talar MJ med en av Spider-mans kloner, en man som kallas Kaine ...

svaret ges 12.06.2014 22:11

Detta är från Spider-Man # 61 , publicerad i augusti 1995.

Det inträffar under Maximum Clonage storyline.

svaret ges 12.06.2014 21:58