Kan någon förklara Acura "Jag säljer bilar, du säljer dig" annonser?


Jag tittar ofta på en webbserie av Jerry Seinfeld som heter Komiker i bilar som får kaffe . Jag bor utanför USA (men i ett västligt land) och jag får inte Acura (kallad Honda här) annonser i början och slutet av varje avsnitt!

De har alltid en bilförsäljare som ger slumpmässig rådgivning medan en kund passivt tittar på bilen utan att säga något. Den enda gemensamma slogan är "Jag säljer bilar, du säljer dig".

Till exempel:




Jagfårbaraintevarförenbilförsäljareskäller"Slå inte bubbelplast när folk pratar!" antar att hjälpa honom att "sälja bilar" medan "du säljer dig". Faktum är att om en bilförsäljare började ge mig livsråd skulle jag vara ganska förolämpad!

Jag antar att annonserna antas vara roliga med tanke på att de är länkade till Seinfeld, men jag måste sakna något sammanhang. Finns det en kulturell referens som jag saknar, eller är det kopplat till en större kampanj som ger sammanhang till dessa annonser? Eller är dessa bara dåliga annonser?

uppsättning thexacre 17.01.2015 05:57

2 svar


Annonserna är skrivna av Jerry Seinfeld, och i den här artikeln han förklarar vad han försökte uppnå:

He's a car salesman life coach. He's the guy who is the antidote to the usual car commercial, which is all about what this is going to do for your lifestyle, how this car is going to change your social standing, and I thought it worked for Acura and for my personal perspective.

To me, what you want when you buy a car is a great car, and it's not about what the neighbors think, or how you'll look at yourself because you have it. So, that was kind of the idea of making this guy a guy who says, "Let me tell you what's really important. Don't block the sidewalk with your extendo dog leash."

Annonserna återspeglar bara Seinfelds off-beat-komedi. Du tror att de är dåliga, men jag tror att de fungerar lika bra som andra reklamfilmer (som vanligtvis visar mycket lite av den faktiska bilen och i stället säljer en livsstil eller ett livsutfall om du köper bilen).

svaret ges 17.01.2015 07:30

Från AdWeek.com artikeln " Q & A: Hur Jerry Seinfeld skrev sin idealiska säljare i Acura nya annonser " Den typ av kille som jag skulle vilja sälja mig en bil "" :

Jerry Seinfeld's last set of Acura ads took the automaker to some truly odd places, like an emergency room plagued by putrid potato salad and a 1960s-era rocket launchpad. Now he's taking the brand somewhere quite a bit different: a car dealership.

Seinfeld has once again written the Acura ads that will bookened his hit video series, Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, on Crackle...we get a fast-talking, confident car salesman who dispenses a constant string of seemingly unrelated words of wisdom while showing off the new TLX.

We caught up with Seinfeld and Acura svp and general manager Michael Accavitti to get the story behind the new campaign and learn why this is the kind of guy Jerry wants selling him a car.

AdFreak: So these ads are obviously a bit of a departure from the last campaign. Who is this guy? Is he a car salesman? Life coach? Stand-up comedian?
Jerry Seinfeld: He's a car salesman life coach. He's the guy who is the antidote to the usual car commercial, which is all about what this is going to do for your lifestyle, how this car is going to change your social standing, and I thought it worked for Acura and for my personal perspective.

To me, what you want when you buy a car is a great car, and it's not about what the neighbors think, or how you'll look at yourself because you have it. So, that was kind of the idea of making this guy a guy who says, "Let me tell you what's really important. Don't block the sidewalk with your extendo dog leash."


The line, "I sell cars, you sell you"—did that exist before the character?
Seinfeld: The whole thing kind of came together with that line. We thought, that's the kind of guy I would like to sell me a car.

Även från thesmalls.com

At the end of 2013 Jerry Seinfeld created a series of car adverts to run as bookends to his award-winning , Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. The writing may have resembled the elegance of the popular television show Mad Men yet were intended to parody the sort of advertising that an agency, such as the show’s Sterling Moss, may have produced during the fifties and sixties.
For the second season of these adverts (see above), which air both before and after “Comedians…”, - Seinfeld’s vision was not to pastiche the adverts as he had previously done but instead to homage the old advertising tactic that “this car will transform your life!”. For this he needed a character and so created Dan Granite, a fictional car salesman who offers prospective buyers his own motivational life advice as he attempts to sell them the Acura TLX – “I sell cars, you sell you”.

svaret ges 17.01.2015 07:25