Finns det icke-juridiska konsekvenser för trollkarlar som blandar sig med tiden?


Jag är inte säker på hur mycket dokumentation det finns i tid i HP universum, men tiden skulle uppenbarligen vara ett otroligt starkt vapen mot Voldemort, så jag undrar varför han inte bara spolade tid och åtgärda några fel han gjord för att erövra världen. Harry och vänner använde det på ett ansvarsfullt sätt, jag trodde att det skulle bli någon straff från magisterministern om de krossade tiden för mycket (så Harry gick inte efter Pettigrew när de gick tillbaka i tiden).

uppsättning mr eyeglasses 26.05.2016 09:46

1 svar



Från (den gamla) Pottermore :

In spite of the many Muggle fantasies around the subject, time travel is possible in only a limited sense even in the magical world. While the subject is shrouded in great secrecy - investigations are ongoing in the Department of Mysteries – it appears that magic can take you only so far.
According to Professor Saul Croaker, who has spent his entire career in the Department of Mysteries studying time-magic:

As our investigations currently stand, the longest period that may be relived without the possibility of serious harm to the traveller or to time itself is around five hours. We have been able to encase single Hour-Reversal Charms, which are unstable and benefit from containment, in small, enchanted hour-glasses that may be worn around a witch or wizard’s neck and revolved according to the number of hours the user wishes to relive.
All attempts to travel back further than a few hours have resulted in catastrophic harm to the witch or wizard involved. It was not realised for many years why time travellers over great distances never survived their journeys. All such experiments have been abandoned since 1899, when Eloise Mintumble became trapped, for a period of five days, in the year 1402. Now we understand that her body had aged five centuries in its return to the present and, irreparably damaged, she died in St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries shortly after we managed to retrieve her. What is more, her five days in the distant past caused great disturbance to the life paths of all those she met, changing the course of their lives so dramatically that no fewer than twenty-five of their descendants vanished in the present, having been “un-born”.
Finally, there were alarming signs, during the days following Madam Mintumble’s recovery, that time itself had been disturbed by such a serious breach of its laws. Tuesday following her reappearance lasted two and a half full days, whereas Thursday shot by in the space of four hours. The Ministry of Magic had a great deal of trouble in covering this up and since that time, the most stringent laws and penalties have been placed around those studying time travel.


Även användningen av det mycket begränsade antalet tidturneringar vid ministeriets förfogande säkras kring med hundratals lagar. Även om det inte är potentiellt farligt att hoppa över fem århundraden, kan återanvändningen av en enda timme fortfarande få dramatiska följder , och ministeriet för magi söker de striktaste garantierna om det tillåter användning av dessa sällsynta och kraftfulla föremål . Det skulle överraska det mesta av det magiska samhället att veta att Time Turners i allmänhet bara används för att lösa de mest triviala problemen med tidshantering och aldrig för större eller mer viktiga ändamål, eftersom, som Saul Croaker säger till oss,


Just as the human mind cannot comprehend time, so it cannot comprehend the damage that will ensue if we presume to tamper with its laws.


( Pottermore - Time Turners )

svaret ges 26.05.2016 10:03