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endif; ?>
Ingen sådan dialog verkar det
Begränsning till kanon, jag kan inte hitta sådan formell dialog mellan Data och Geordi. (Jag är glad för någon med bättre minnes av några minuters bitar av dialog, eller bättre Google-Fu, för att hitta ett exempel.)
Så fort som "The Naked Now" (Season 1, Episode 2) hör vi Data refererar till La Forge helt enkelt som "Geordi":
RIKER: All I have is a vague memory of reading somewhere about someone taking a shower in his or her clothing.
DATA: Ah. The body Geordi discovered.
Sedan i "Code of Honor" (Säsong 1, Episod 3) hör vi redan Data och Geordi samtalar med varandra på ett avslappnat, rent informellt sätt:
DATA: Why that razor, my friend? Why not the one I adjusted to perfect efficiency?
LA FORGE: Shaving is a human art form, Data. Technological perfection can shave too close.
Också från samma scen:
DATA: How do you know when something is funny?
LA FORGE: It's not explainable. You just do.
DATA: Perhaps it is you, Geordi. Includling the kiddillies, I've learned six hundred sixty two jokes, and you have not —
LA FORGE: Includling the kiddillies! Now, see, that's funny.
Det verkar, nu när jag tänker på det, att något saknas från de tidiga episoderna TNG : Hur blev Data och La Forge så bra bud? Tydligen skådades en sådan scen men aldrig faktiskt filmade, enligt Levar Burton:
...and this is little-known Trek lore — in the audition sides for the character, during the casting process, there was a scene that Gene Roddenberry wrote between Geordi and Data, that established their relationship. And in that scene, Geordi and Data discussed how Geordi's eyes and Data's brain saw the world in a very similar way. They saw the truth of the world around them. And so, in the scene that Gene wrote, they formed a team, and they called themselves the Perceivers, because their perceptions were alike.
And even though the Perceivers thing never made it to the pilot episode, the relationship between Geordi and Data certainly did.
( Source )
Utan denna scen hittar vi helt enkelt Data och La Forge kommunicera på informella villkor, kvar att undra när de tappade formaliteterna.