Var kan jag läsa den fullständiga versionen av "The Bent Bullet Report", en fördjupad artikel som används för att främja "X-Men: Days of Future Past"?


Tillbaka till 2013, när den främjande av den då kommande X-Men: Days of Future Past -filmen, släppte det kommersiella laget en trailer för en "mutant konspiration" kring JFKs mördande.


Deföljdeuppenfullfjädradartikelmedtiteln"The Bent Bullet Report", som berättade hur Magneto förmodligen ändrade en kollens banan och dödade effektivt JFK.

Det var en verkligt häpnadsväckande del av marknadsföring, vilket gav ganska nedsänkning i filmens inställning.

Jag ville läsa den igen, men tyvärr webbplatsen som den kunde läsas , omdirigeras nu till 20th Century Foxs webbplats. Finns det något transkript av hela artikeln någonstans, i en följeslagare kanske?

Bonusfråga: Om platsen som tagits ned var frivillig, förklarades det varför? (Med tanke på att andra reklammaterial fortfarande är uppe, se nedan.)

Forskning gjort:

  • Wayback Machine , självklart. Tyvärr, av alla 212 snapshots, 30ish har jag försökt slumpmässigt antingen omdirigera till Fox hemsida eller ta upp ett HTTP 302 response at crawl time fel;
  • Ignition Creative, företaget som skrev artikeln, presenterar det fortfarande på deras X-Men: Days of Future Past sida , men länken är samma död som ovan. Vilket är för dåligt, eftersom de två andra kampanjmaterialen de släppte ( Trask Industries hemsida och 25 moments ) är fortfarande uppe;
  • Chris Eyerman, den kreativa regissören, presenterade den också på hans webbplats , men medan dessa verkligen är skärmdumpar från webbplats saknas mycket av artikeln;
  • Googling "the bent bullet report" ger endast två sidor resultat men om jag inte ' Jag är verkligen blind, jag upptäckte inte någon relevant,
  • söker bent bullet på Foxs hemsida ger ingenting ;
  • Wikia-sidan för det gör vad wikias gör, de tar information och omformulerar den till en punkt, men det är inte den ursprungliga innehållet,
  • Det närmaste jag kunde hitta är den här artikeln men bilderna är fortfarande inte hela artikeln - till exempel, Det finns inget omtal av Azazel i dem, medan han definitivt var med i den fullfjädrade artikeln.
uppsättning Jenayah 13.10.2018 13:52

2 svar

svaret ges 15.01.2019 05:54

Om inte jag misstänker, visas den fullständiga texten till Bent Bullet Report för arkivet < strong> Marvel Movies Fandom webbplats.


The Bent Bullet BY HARPER SIMMONS The eyes of John F. Kennedy’s killer are not unkind. It’s a peculiar, if quiet, revelation to make here, in his company. The killer resides in a federal correctional facility — a classified location that’s at least a quarter-mile underground, and presumably miles from anywhere important. The facility is constructed from concrete amalgams and transparent materials so secret and durable, they don’t even have a name. In the event of a global nuclear holocaust, a government contractor once said, only two things will survive: “the cockroaches and that guy.”

He was called “The most dangerous man in the world” by President Lyndon B. Johnson, five decades ago.

His eyes are blue. His face is slender, deeply lined, made longer still by a natural frown. Still, he appears younger than most men his age. He’s presumed to be 80 years old.

According to the correctional officers here, Kennedy’s killer is a voracious reader. This seems true. More than a dozen books pepper the prisoner’s spartan cell. Most are nonfiction books about social issues, such as Trish Tilby’s recent exposé, District X. But a few novels are present, including a dogeared copy of T.H. White’s The Once and Future King.

You won’t find a tablet computer or e-reader here, of course. There’s nothing with a conventional circuit board or metal enclosure within a half-mile radius of this place.

More than 1,000 books — and very likely a thousand essays — have been written about the Nov. 22, 1963 assassination of President Kennedy. Nearly all have investigated the lives of people like Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby. Most have criticized the findings of the Warren Commission, the task force appointed by President Johnson to investigate the Kennedy assassination.

These critics insist the Warren Commission’s final report was a rushed, inadequately researched frame-up. Nearly all proudly provide their own conspiracy theories about the events on that dreadful day in Dallas. And most insist that the man here — the man convicted of killing the president fifty years ago — is innocent.

Erik Lehnsherr. The man who calls himself Magneto.

Before the X-Gene To understand Lehnsherr’s motives — or, rather, the motives the Warren Report alleged he had — one must understand the era in which the Kennedy assassination occurred.

When Kennedy took office in 1961, the civil rights movement had captured national attention and political allies ... and powerful enemies, especially in the South. The X-Gene and mutants were not yet a part of the public consciousness, though they would soon become so, due in large part to Lehnsherr’s activities.

The world was 15 years into the Cold War. Tensions between the U.S. and the Soviet Union were at a breaking point. By October 1962, the Cuban Missile Crisis was unfolding, and the world faced imminent nuclear war. Last year, the CIA and the Homeland Mutant Response Division released previously-classified documents stating the crisis was in fact orchestrated by a mutant and former Nazi named Sebastian Shaw. His goal was the extermination of homo sapiens worldwide.

Also declassified was the revelation that the Cuban Missile Crisis was thwarted by a clandestine CIA team called “Division X.” Division X was comprised of several mutants led by Charles Xavier. Lehnsherr was also a member. His mastery of magnetism proved invaluable during the operation.

After the confrontation, Lehnsherr immediately left the team. He and other Division X members founded the Brotherhood of Mutants, an organization the FBI would quickly classify as “a pro-mutant terrorist group.” Division X disbanded days later. All evidence of its existence was sealed by the CIA.

svaret ges 14.01.2019 17:55