Ja det var, men det var inget sätt det kan beskrivas som "utomordentligt användbart"
Från beskrivningen av rum 25C. (betona min):
The gem is a cursed wish magic item, and no matter what is desired by the character daring to touch it and wish, a reverse or perversion will bring doom to that character and all named in the wish.
Det aldrig gör någonting bra: det alltid "ta med [s] doom".
Den tredje uppdateringen komplicerade detta (förstås) men förändrade inte kärnan:
The gem of cursed wishing grants a wish, but it perverts the wish made so that no matter the wish, the desire of the holder is perverted, reversed, or otherwise foully twisted such that the holder (and any other hoping to benefit by the wish) is instead hurt. For instance, wishing a friend back alive might kill another friend, or disperse the remains; the DM makes the final call.