SF paperback om liten djävul som varelser uppgraderade av en bonde


Omkring 1972 läste jag en sf paperback om liten djävul som varelser som uppföddes av en bonde. Han trodde att de var kaniner innan de attackerade honom. Varelserna dödade och åt allt tills matkällan sprang ut, då vände de på varandra.

uppsättning Steve 09.03.2015 16:15

1 svar


Det är nog inte Edmund Cooperans Kronk , men scenen du beskriver minskar mig av den här scenen från Kronk:

ch. Twenty-Five:

But the rest of the rabbits did not seem to care. It was all part of the show. They swarmed all over him, so that he looked like a seething, writhing, screaming mountain of palpitating fur. They kicked him and scratched him and bit him and stamped upon him. And within less than a minute, while a few brave NaTel souls were clubbing peripheral attackers with vids, tripods and any items of equipment that were handy, the mad rabbits of Yorkshire had kicked a still incredulous Uncle Dan to death.

svaret ges 09.03.2015 16:32