Vad hände med Shaidar Haran, Super Myrddraal (mindre spoiler)?


Shaidar Haran verkar inte dyka upp vid det sista slaget. Vad är hans öde?

uppsättning skeletank 23.01.2013 05:38

1 svar


Rand möter Shaidar Haran strax efter han går in i Shayol Ghul.

The figure stood and turned, Moridin's now familiar face reflecting Callandor's glow. Beside him on the ground lay a husk. Rand could explain it no other way. It was like the shell some instects leave behind when they grow only it was in the shape of a man. A Man with no eyes. One of the Myrddraal?

Moridin looked to the husk, following Rand's gaze. "A vessel my master needed no longer," Moridin said. Saa floated in the whites of his eye, bouncing, shaking, moving with crazed vigor. "It gave birth to what is behind me."

"There is nothing behind you."

Moridin raised his sword before his face in a salute. "Exactly."

Ett minne av ljus, kapitel 25 - Snabba fragment

svaret ges 23.01.2013 09:10