Vad hände med Wesleys naniter?


I ST: TNG-avsnittet " Evolution " ser vi att Wesleys naniter släpps på Kavis Alpha IV. Hör vi någonsin om dessa nanitiska arter någonsin igen (kanske i andra källor än tv-serierna)?

Memory Alpha ger oss inte mycket om detta, i grund och botten vad som är nedan:

In 2366, nanites threatened the USS Enterprise-D with destruction of its main computer core during an experiment in the Kavis Alpha sector. After conflict with the crew of the Enterprise, and particularly the experiment's lead scientist Paul Stubbs, the nanites were relocated to Kavis Alpha IV, which Stubbs' influence had helped designate their new homeworld. The nanites left the Enterprise and began creating their own civilization on the planet. (TNG: "Evolution")

uppsättning Often Right 05.05.2014 10:23

1 svar


Inom TV- och filmserien nämns inte ytterligare Wesley's Nanites. Den sista vi ser av dem, de har övergivits på Kavis Alpha IV.

I den bredare trekkanonen (böcker, etc) möter vi dem igen kort i Immortal Coil där de refereras till som en del av en bredare civil civilisering av robot- och maskinintelligenser som bor i och runt Planet Odin.

Data felt pressure against his back. They were being borne upward by another swelling of the silver clouds, pushed back up toward the Enterprise. He looked at Rhea, who appeared calm, even relaxed, and then felt her tapping against his forearm. She spelled out a word in Morse code, but it wasn't necessary. Data understood now. It must have been another one of Vaslovik's liberation projects, just like the exocomps: Wesley Crusher's nanites, the microscopic robots that had inexplicably developed into a sentient colonial artificial intelligence. Shepherded here to Odin by Vaslovik, they thrived, reproducing and evolving freely in the gas giant's immense hydrogen-rich atmosphere.

svaret ges 05.05.2014 11:04